PUBLIC Forums > Research Proposals

Minimizing damage in test fired .223 rem bullets

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Thanks Charlie

Greg Scala:
The cheapest solution I can think of is, that is if you already have a water tank, is to use Federal "Tactical" 223 ammo.  This stuff is designed to be fired through windshields and not fragment too much.  It really holds up well fired into water.

Tori Kujala:
Dang Bob, I'm just getting used to your other invention...the discount water tank.   :-0


Hi everyone,
  My name is Derek, I recently made a post about possible ideas of a graduate school forensics thesis. I have had a course in Pattern Evidence/firearms/toolmark analysis and I also collect and regularly shoot. I came across this interesting discussion and was wondering if this idea of a "cotton box" could somehow become a thesis topic/project?

If so, does anyone have any information/background that I could look in to? Thank you all very much.


Charles Clow:
Unfortunetely, I would say no because the cotton box has been a standard in the field for about as long as the field has been around. We already know that it works.



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