PUBLIC Forums => Public Forums => Firearm Identification => Topic started by: Scott Doyle on June 16, 2004, 10:50:24 PM

Title: Information on Charles M. Wilson
Post by: Scott Doyle on June 16, 2004, 10:50:24 PM
Information on Charles M. Wilson started by CMWilson

Posted by: CMWilson on Oct. 16 2002,12:52

Charles M. Wilson, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory, Madison, WI was, in 1969, a founding office of the FTE. I am doing some preliminary research for a project concerning crime lab development and would like to learn more about this early player in ballistics history. His work stretches back to the crime lab work with the St Valentines Day Massacre and the FBI, the Northwestern Crime Lab of that era, and then the Wisconsin Crime Lab. Any information or sources welcomed and credited. Contact me here if you like, or offlist if you desire.
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