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Training Seminars / Re: 2024 Midwest Firearm Training Seminar
« Last post by Rebecca Smith on August 22, 2024, 01:28:22 PM »
If you have registered for the Armorer's Course that will be held on day 2 of the Midwest seminar, you will need to register with the vendor, TeamOne.

Check your email for the link and passcode to register for the class. The email will come from SignUp Genius so check your spam folder to.

If you did sign up for the class through our registration but didn't see the email to register through the vendor, please email Garrett Dunsmore for the link and passcode.

Also, we are still looking for presenters for day 1 if you are interested please email
AFTE 2025-Anaheim / Calling all crafters - Anaheim Raffle
« Last post by Kirsten Wallace on August 20, 2024, 02:17:12 PM »
It's never too early to start planning for the Anaheim 2025 Raffle.

Are you a crafter? Can you make something firearms related for the raffle?  If so, we'd love your donation.

Ideas: Cartridge head earrings and cuff links, bullet bouquets, gun-shaped soap, challenge coin holders, 3D printed objects, quilts, stained glass, etched items, anything with the Anaheim logo on it, ect.

If you're willing to make something, let me know. You can email me at


Thank you,
Kirsten Wallace

AFTE 2025-Anaheim / Re: Anaheim costs
« Last post by Stacey Phetteplace on August 20, 2024, 10:34:57 AM »
Thanks! I am keeping this template for other training too! :)
Public Forums / Conventional vs polygonal rifling material
« Last post by anthony.mendez on August 19, 2024, 07:14:24 PM »
Over the last 2 years, the evidence techs in our office have been trained in basic bullet exams where we are notating weights, est caliber, twist, amount of L&G, and rifling type. Most of them have struggled mainly with identifying the rifling types and do not feel fully comfortable identifying the rifling type since they sometimes feel as though they're guessing. Especially when it comes to the GEN5 Glocks that throw them off since they have railing but on a polygonal bullet. I'm currently trying to put together a quick guide/ PowerPoint for our office to help with this including what to look for and with close up photos.

With that being said doe anyone by chance have any material on these topics themselves they may be able to share related to bullet exams and or rifling types?

AFTE 2025-Anaheim / Re: Anaheim costs
« Last post by David Curtiss on August 19, 2024, 06:16:58 PM »
Thanks for putting this out!  Early like this can really help out with some agencies.
AFTE 2025-Anaheim / Re: Anaheim costs
« Last post by Skip Richardson on August 19, 2024, 05:03:27 PM »
Love your proposal template title, Jess!!
AFTE 2025-Anaheim / Anaheim costs
« Last post by Jessica Winn on August 19, 2024, 04:48:33 PM »
Hi everyone! We want to help you plan for Anaheim. Below you'll see the per diem hotel rates, registration rates, and a letter to assist you with asking your agencies for funding. Feel free to send us your questions!

Anaheim Marriott - $191/night (Please note, the government per diem rate is subject to change and if it does change, it will affect all bookings no matter what the rate showed at the time of booking.)

Registration costs (USD)
Early AFTE Member - 575
Early non-member - 650
Early Student - 225
Interpreter - 350

Late AFTE Member - 625
Late non-member - 700
Late student - 225
Interpreter - 350 

Your Anaheim Team!
Training Seminars / 2024 - Swiss International Wound Ballistics Workshop
« Last post by Michael Haag on August 15, 2024, 09:40:19 AM »

2024 - Swiss International Wound Ballistics Workshop

I am very happy to pass on the announcement for the twelfth annual Swiss Wound Ballistics Workshop. If this is an area of interest for you, I cannot recommend it enough.  This year's line up has some familiar and highly experienced faces, and the information conveyed is of the highest caliber.  These include Beat Kneubuehl, Fabiano Riva, Matt Glardon, and our very own Axel Manthei.  Docs attached. You should go, and don't forget to add on some extra time to enjoy Switzerland!


This three day workshop discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of wound ballistics; the discussions are led by various experts. There are also live demonstrations, under laboratory conditions, of a variety of projectiles being shot into internationally accepted tissue simulants (no animals are used). The Workshop is designed to give an essential understanding of the subject, mainly to the following professions:
 Health professionals, especially trauma surgeons;
 Forensic pathologists;
 Forensic specialists;
 Law enforcement shooting instructors;
 Lawyers specialising in international humanitarian law and human rights law.

Dr. sc. forens. Beat P. Kneubuehl
MD h. c., bpk consultancy gmbh, Thun
Prof. Dr. med. Markus A. Rothschild
Institute of Legal Medicine, Cologne
Ing. (EUR ING) Axel Mantei
Forensic Firearms Expert Service
Dr. med. Thorsten Hauer
Army Hospital, Berlin
Dr. sc. forens. Fabiano Riva
Institute of Legal Medicine, Lausanne
Prof. Dr. med. Christian Schyma
Institute of Legal Medicine, Bern
Radiologist, tbd
Insitute of Legal Medicine, Bern
Matthieu Glardon
Institute of Legal Medicine, Bern

Technical Assistance / Browning A Bolt manufacture location
« Last post by mkmolt on August 14, 2024, 02:07:54 PM »

Does anybody know of where the Browning A Bolt is manufactured? From research most look to be made in Japan, however, the one we received does not say made in Japan anywhere so am wondering if there are any that are made elsewhere?

Also asking if anyone has advice on any ways to adjust the search in e-trace when an "invalid" result comes back?


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