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Author Topic: Workshop Addition  (Read 15934 times)

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Offline Charles Clow

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Workshop Addition
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:23:42 PM »
Tool/Toolmark Classification and Characterization Workshop
Instructor: Greg Klees, BATFE

Class Size: Limit 12
Course Cost: $70
8 hours (8am-5pm)
Location: Southwestern Institute of Forensic Sciences (SWIFS)

Introductory training for the new trainee that discusses basic tool physics, types, and working actions.  Course also illustrates how these tool design features enable examiners to better classify and characterize toolmarks in order to include or exclude possible tool candidates for further comparison with questioned evidence.  The course also includes individual and group practical exercises to reinforce lecture information.

Meet in the lobby of the Fairmont at 8am.  Course costs includes transportation to SWIFS.

Offline Laura Fleming

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Re: Workshop Addition
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 04:26:10 AM »
Workshop date--Sunday May 24

Offline Charles Clow

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Re: Still more Workshop Additions
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 09:19:40 PM »
Still two more workshops have been added for Sunday.

Ammunition Identification and CartWinPro
Instructor: Axel manthei, CartWinPro

 Class size: Limit 40
 Course Cost $35
 4 hours (8am-12pm)
 Location: Continental Room

A common task for the firearm examiner is to identify the origin of a cartridge by the headstamp.  A headstamp can be more than just the usual letters and numbers.  It can contain abbreviations in foreign languages and Arabic numbers as well as symbols.  But beyond this the arrangement of the information on the headstamp might be of importance.  Special or meaningful codes may also be hidden on the headstamp amongst the more obvious information.

There are many caliber designations, and the difference in measurements can differ only by fractions of an inch.  The determination of the correct caliber is, in many cases, easy by reading the headstamp.  However, in some cases, even with readable information on the case head, it can be a difficult task.  Demonstration will show how CartWinPro is applied in these cases.

Color codes will be discussed as an important means to describe the nature of the cartridge, and they may also be of importance in determining if the cartridge should not be fired in a particular type of range.  Coding is usually standardized within a country or an organization but may have a completely different meaning if it is from another source.  Color codes are not only encountered on the bullet itself, but also in other locations such as the primer annulus, headstamp, or case mouth.  Combinations of these codes may also be used to designate the type of cartridge.

With only a bullet from the crime scene, identifying the caliber and cartridge can be a difficult task.  Measurement, documentation, and entry of a few parameters in CartWinPro can narrow down the possibilities to a small number, and might also point out some not so obvious ones.

In this workshop we will try to sharpen the eye for hidden details of cartridges and how one can identify them using CartWinPro.
Barrel Manufacturing
Instructor: Allan Offringa

 Class Size: limit 40
 Course Cost $35
 4 Hours (1pm-5pm)
 Location: Oak Room

 This workshop will cover the processes used to make barrels from start to finish.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 09:21:32 PM by Charles Clow »

Offline April Kendrick

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Re: Workshop Addition
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 01:46:10 PM »
We have also added more spots to the Expert Witness Testimony workshop with Ron Smith on Sunday morning.  It is no longer full!  There are 19 spots up for the taking.

Offline April Kendrick

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Re: Workshop Addition
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2015, 11:53:50 AM »
Another workshop added for Wednesday!
Springfield Armory Armorer Course - XD/XDm
Instructor:  Fred Yates, Team One Network
Class Size: Limit 20
Course Cost: $150
8 hours (8:00am-5:00pm)
Location:  Oak Room
Springfield Armory Armorer courses are structured to provide each student with a practical understanding of the advanced features that make the Springfield Family of Firearms unique.
Students will gain hands-on experience with the XD Pistols, the safest polymer handgun available, bringing together a number of important safety innovations into one firearm.
Topics covered:   Nomenclature, operator use, cycle of operation, field & detail stripping, care & cleaning, troubleshooting, and preventive & corrective maintenance.
Safety glasses will be provided.  Bring your reading glasses if you have them.
Note: Only US Citizens are eligible for this workshop

Offline Stacey Phetteplace

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Re: Workshop Addition
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2015, 03:12:58 PM »
what is the date of this new class?

Oops, I see it now- Wednesday!
Peace is not the absence of war. It is the presence of justice, law, and order. - Albert Einstein.

Offline April Kendrick

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Re: Workshop Addition
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2015, 11:51:44 AM »
Another new workshop!!
Contextual Bias and Context Management
Instructor:  Erwin Mattijssen, MSc, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Netherland
Friday, May 29 - 1pm-4pm
Class Size:  Limit 40
Course Cost:  $35
3 hours (1pm-4pm)
Location: Oak Room

This 3 hour workshop will:
- Give an overview of cognitive bias within the forensic domain in combination with judgments which are subjective in nature
- Provide information on the question, if context management is truly needed
- Provide a classification system for the different types of contextual bias with Forensic Firearms examples
- Give an example of an implemented context management system within the field of Forensic Firearms Examination


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