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Laboratory Services: GSR for Distance Determination offered?

Started by Laura Lightstone, December 11, 2015, 12:06:23 PM

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Laura Lightstone

Our laboratory is considering whether or not to offer the service of Gunshot Residue Analysis for Distance Determination, and we would like to get an idea of what other labs are doing in terms of casework.   I'd like to take an unofficial survey with the following questions in order to assist the decision makers.  Thanks for your participation.

1. Does your laboratory offer Distance Determination testing?

2. Approximately how large is your agency and/or jurisdiction that your laboratory serves? (small local, large county, large city, high crime/many shootings per year, etc.)

3. Approximately how many requests/cases per year do you (a. your lab, b. you as individual) receive for this service?

4. Do any of your Firearms Examiners respond to crime scenes:  in general?  case by case basis?  specifically for these types of cases?

5. Does your agency have a separate Crime Scene Unit that handles all shooting scene cases?

6. Does your agency receive the clothing directly from the Medical Examiner, or is it retrieved in another capacity?

7.  Is there a protocol in place in your unit or agency that deals specifically with packaging of evidence as it relates to testing of this nature? 

8. Do you receive feedback from requestors (investigators, prosecutors, etc.) or via the judicial process that this testing was beneficial to answering key questions of the case? 

Any additional information that can be provided pertaining to the practicality, feasibility, and utility of your laboratory offering this service is greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for your assistance. 

Steve Scott

1. yes, we do offer this service
2. We serve the entire State of TN
3. We receive 15-25 requests per year.
4. We do respond to crime scenes, but not all of them. We have teams which all include a Firearm Examiner. Teams are 'on-call' for a month, and will respond to 0-2 or 3 scenes. Usually, none are specific for Distance Determination, but may include it. The number of responses may increase due to a new Officer Involved Shooting policy.  Our agency now handles the investigation of all LE shootings, except in major cities (Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga).
5. We do not have a separate unit for shooting scenes
6. Clothing is submitted via the PD or SD that is the lead on the case. ME could submit directly, but this would be rare.
7. Just don't put bloody clothing in plastic bags...EVER.
8. We know that it is, or can be. Feedback is fairly common and is usually directly from the lead investigator to the examiner.
Steve Scott

Wendy Gibson

VA offers this

4 labs that serve all LE in the state

Maybe about 30 / year. Each regional lab would be different

No crime scenes, ever.

No crime scene unit as we are a state lab and no LE based.

Submitted by investigating agency; only except may be Officer Involved incidents.

We recommend air dry / paper wrap; never plastic (evidence is not refused for non-preferred packaging)

We typically try to screen at submission to determine probative value of test; investigators / officers / attorneys all say when requested it is important, but most of our shooting cases plea out.

Wendy Gibson
VA Dept. of Forensic Science
(540) 283-5932

Adam Grooms

Alabama Dept. of Forensic Sciences
Firearms Identification Unit
1. yes, we do offer this service
2. We serve the entire State of AL3. We receive 15-25 requests per year.4. We only perform Shooting Recon on case by case basis; 5. Clothing is submitted via the PD or SD that is the lead on the case. ME could submit directly, but this would be rare.7. Fold down to have defect facing up when possible, Brown Paper Bag or butcher paper (Absolutely NO PLASTIC);8. Typically we screen the case coming in the Door to determine the probative value, determine variables and we also consult with DA office for feedback.

Laura Lightstone

Thank you to all who replied to my survey.  I'm sure it will be helpful to my laboratory.