Okay, shifting gears here. I need ideas for 6 month research project in tool marks area. I was going to focus on firearms, however as much as I love the area of firearms and after much researching this morning, I have found that there is plenty of research on firearms and not nearly enough in the area of tool marks.
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I currently attend Nebraska Wesleyan University and will receive a masters degree in Forensic Science in December of 2006. I want to focus my 6 month research project that I will be working on from July until December in the area of tool mark identification.
I would like to request any suggestions for the following in regards to my project:
1) Tools - specifically, unique tools that might be used as devices to pry, break-into, damage, etc. I already have basic tools to use like hammers, screwdrivers, and crowbars so I am looking for tools that burglars (or any other criminal!) might use to perform their action.
2) Materials to use the tools on - specifically, materials that might hold the impression, such as wood (from a door or window frame), metal (from a safe, inside of door/window frame or vehicle), plastic (from outsides of some safes, locker), etc.
Thank you in advance, and you are also more than welcome to email me your ideas directly at forensicscsi@msn.com.