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Author Topic: Proofmarks  (Read 28781 times)

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Offline Scott Doyle

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« on: June 16, 2004, 09:04:22 PM »
Proofmarks started by Jos

Posted by: Jos on Feb. 27 2002,15:24

I’m a warrant officer from the Royal Dutch Militairy Police,
(Koninklijke Marechaussee) and I’m interested for my profession about gun-information. I’m also a teacher at the Trainingschool for the Militairy Police and Regular Police (State Police) in Holland, specialised in guns (tactical research)
I'm looking for all different articles and information about Proof Tests and Proofmarks on fire-arms, guns, pistols and revolvers

I hope you'll have this information, or that you can tell me where I can find it.

I'm also interested in any other information about proofmarks, serialnumbers on waepons/guns and dates of manufacturing

If you have such information, please email me at or

Posted by: RMThompson on Mar. 13 2002,17:33

Start with these books for reference:
"Official Guide to Gunmarks" by Robert H. Balderson
ISBN 0-676-60039-5
"Standard Dictionary of Proof Marks" by Gerhard Wirnsberger
ISBN 0-89149-006-X
Good Luck!

Posted by: Jos on Mar. 14 2002,04:23

Mr. Thompson,
Thank you for your quick reply. I've already both books.
I'm looking for other, detailed information, especially about serialnumbers related to the date of manufacturing and other books about proofmarks on weapons.

Posted by: Guest on June 28 2002,21:26

dear Jos,
Try the webpage  for their forums on all sorts of firearms. There are some quite erudite collectors and researchers amongst the board members.
Some have actually published books detailing serial number ranges for particular manufacturers, dates of relevant manufacture, dates of changes in manufacture, etc. in firearms from varied nations (including the Nederlands and KNIL) from pistols to machineguns.
I use the many fora present on Gunboards daily, as well as"Parallax" boards, and the International Cartridge Collectors Assoc. (ICCA) and many others. Some of the traffic on these boards is at basic level, but a lot is at university research level, for history and manufacturing records, etc; One such thread was the serial numbers on M1889 (Belgian) Rifles manufactured by Hopkins & Allen (USA) during WW I under contract to the Belgian Government, and the significance of the serial Numbers applied by the Belgian Army Authorities upon receipt in England. Another research is the serializing of Dutch M1895 Mannlicher rifles, made in Austria at Steyr, and Hembrug. The list is endless.
For further info, contact me at
< >
regards, Dr. Astrid M. Vallati  MD,   "Doc AV" on the Boards.   Brisbane, Australia.


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