National Open Case File (IBIS)

started by reynolds4749
Posted by: reynolds4749 on Dec. 05 2002,08:55
I know I am not the only one who has been doing alot of thinking about a "national database" and the use of the IBIS equipment. I have spoken with several firearms examiners in my area of the country and I feel that we may have a tool and data which could be used a little more effectively with a little more funding and support. We now have 12 seperate data bases in the 12 servers of IBIS. What would be the problem with creating a 13th server, which would include all of the open case images now in the 12 servers. It would give us the tool to see if a firearm is traveling around from area to area. I spoke with some individuals with FTI about the possiblity and they informed me that it could be done. The bullets and cartridge cases from open case files which are entered into the seperate servers could be entered into the "national open case data base". Then as the new items are entered; with a click of a mouse a second search could be done. Then when that seperate correlation is complete it could be viewed.
Yes, it would take more time. But it may be worth it.
Yes, it would cause us to work together in more cases; aross state lines.
Yes, we could benefit more if firearms were enterd also; but I am told that with the number of firearms;that may not be doable now.
We already have the data, I would like to see us have the option to do more with it.
I am sure there are a lot of problems with this posted idea; but I thought I would get it out for further discussion. Let me know what you think.