Good Morning,
The State of Connecticut has a continuous recruitment examination open to the public for the position of Forensic Science Examiner 1.
There is a current examination for this position which has a deadline of November 10, 2011 for the application and a pull down for grading for this exam on December 16,2011.
We would like to encourage those interested to reveiw the links provided below for the description of the FSE 1 position and the application process necessary to be placed on a list of prospective candidates. Those not making the November 10th deadline for this exam will be put into the pool of applications for the next grading period of applicants.
There is no current position available in the Firearm and Toolmark section but we are anticipating a future position in our section. Stephenson, FSE 2 Section Supervisor
Ct. DESPP, Division of Forensic Science Services
Forensic Science Laboratory
203-639-6498 fax