PUBLIC Forums => Training Seminars => Topic started by: Robert Thompson on July 07, 2017, 09:41:38 AM

Title: 2017 International Forensic Science Error Management Symposium
Post by: Robert Thompson on July 07, 2017, 09:41:38 AM
NIST and the FBI invite you to the second International Symposium on Forensic Science Error Management, where speakers, panels, posters, and workshops will address ways to detect, measure, and mitigate forensic science errors. This symposium promises an eye-opening, candid appraisal of root causes and possible solutions while providing a forum for open dialog about this sensitive topic.
The technical program will cover four tracks:
Crime Scene and  Death Investigation
Human Factors and Legal Factors
Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management
Criminalistics and Digital Evidence

Also: Plenary Lectures, Poster Sessions, and Panel Discussions (
Title: Re: 2017 International Forensic Science Error Management Symposium
Post by: Robert Thompson on August 30, 2017, 01:57:32 PM
The Symposium material is on-line for your reading or viewing pleasure. 
There are video of all of the plenary and panel presentations, abstracts, and workshop presentation materials of the instructors.
It was a four-day conference, so there is plenty of material to review, or select your favorite topics! (

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