Does anybody know if ammunition manufacturers, specifically FC and WIN, sell their unfired cartridge cases, with their manufacturer marks already stamped on the head, to sellars on the secondary market such as Starline?
I called Winchester and they stated that they do not do this, but I've been told you don't always get the same answer twice when speaking to them so I thought I'd see if any of you have any info. I'm still waiting to hear from Federal.
I might be misinterpreting your question, but a lot of the "Big Ammo" companies sell their brass to "re-sellers".
Midway USA for one. (
Starline is a manufacturer of cartridge cases; i wouldn't consider them a "reseller".
That helps, thanks Jason!
The big reloading suppliers have Winchester, Remington brass. I suspect they will sell to anyone that will throw enough money at them.
I have traded new unprimed 308 Win brass for 7.5 Swiss brass about 8 or ten years back when you just could not find brass to feed a new acquisition.