PUBLIC Forums => Public Forums => Headstamp Submissions => Topic started by: Scott Doyle on October 12, 2005, 12:22:22 AM

Title: New Headstamps
Post by: Scott Doyle on October 12, 2005, 12:22:22 AM
David Wright is updating the AFTE Headstamp Guide that can be found here ( 

We welcome new submissions and those can be attached to posts in this forum.  Please pay close attention to the quality of the image being used and try to copy this format as closely as possible.

Include in your post as much information about the manufacturer as possible.

We hope to build one of the best headstamp guides on the net!  With your help this shouldn't be too hard.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Chris Monturo on October 12, 2005, 09:29:27 AM
It would be an excellent opportunity for an intern to learn information about various headstamps while helping the discipline.  It probably won't be until next summer, but I'll have our next intern sift through the ammo collection and upload some of our samples.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on October 12, 2005, 10:02:08 AM
Here's an example of how you can contribute:

Headstamp found on cartridges marketed as Silver Bear
Manufactured by Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant (Russia)
Imported by Zanders' Sporting Goods (

This headstamp will be added to a new "Symbols" album in the Headstamp Gallery (

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Scott Doyle on December 23, 2005, 10:18:03 AM
We have installed updated software for the AFTE Headstamp gallery and David has been working hard at adding new headstamps and manufacturer info.

The updated gallery can be found at:

You can also click the headstamp in the upper right corner to reach the new headstamp gallery.

Thanks David for your continued hard work on this resource!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Scott Doyle on December 23, 2005, 12:43:05 PM

I would guess that David will replace poorer quality images with better ones.  That will be a time dependent thing.  Most look pretty good now!  But there's always room for improvement!

For your second question, I suspect your PC screen resolution is only 800x600.  The width of the gallery was probably too wide, causing you to have to scroll from the right to the left.  I modified the layout a little to reduce the column width from 4 to 3 and the rows from 3 to 2.  That will hopefully allow the full width of the album to show up in your browser window.  Let me know if that didn't fix your problem. 

Thanks for helping out!

Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on December 25, 2005, 12:06:22 AM

Thanks for modifying the layout of the gallery.  It's much better on my computer now.  You are probably right about the settings on my computer.  I'm not a computer smart kind of person.

I agree that most of the photos are pretty good quality already.  A very few leave a little to be desired, but that is in no way a reflection on you or David.  Those are the photos that were submitted.  They are not photos either of you took yourselves.  I, for one, appreciate your efforts.  You guys do a great service for AFTE.

Merry Christmas,

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on January 06, 2006, 08:17:40 AM
David Wright is doing a great job of updating the Headstamp Gallery.  There are numerous headstamps in the gallery now.  If anyone is trying to identify a headstamp, it's worth giving a look in the gallery before looking elsewhere for the information.  The new layout is much more user friendly too. 

Many thanks to David for all of his time and effort that has gone into expanding and updating the gallery. O0

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on February 03, 2006, 11:40:47 AM
#1 Evansville Ordinance Plant: Operated by the Chrysler Corporation in Evansville, IN from 1942 to 1943.

#2-3 Winchester Repeating Arms Co: primer stamped with W non-fulminate primer produced between 1908-1923

#4 Sovereign Tigercat 22LR HV 40 gr. Lead Bullets: Made in Mexico by Industrias Tecnos, S.A. de C.V. and distributed in the U.S.A. by Southern Gun Distributors, Opa-Locka, Fl.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Mike Barnes on March 07, 2006, 05:56:29 PM
Here is a headstamp:

Precision Ammunicion, LLC
"A plated lead-free frangible ammunition"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Doug Lancon on May 04, 2006, 12:22:59 PM
This one isn't new by far.  It's 7.9mm German.  From what I've found T-cresent-C is for the Turkish Republic and the FS means "fisek" (Turkish for bullet). 

Manufacturer?  Maybe Akeri?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: babyglock9mm on May 06, 2006, 12:55:44 AM
This is exactly what we need!  Why pay for guides when we see headstamps every day, and someone knows something about it an examiner or a tech advisor.  If we do this right, and everyone gets involved, this can be the place for all of us to come to FIRST to start our search!

Of course, in order for me to post images, I've got to get IT to install email and office on my Mideo station.  I will work on that!  :)

You all have my vote on the importance of this Forums feature!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 11, 2006, 04:44:28 PM
(New Generation Ammunition)
South Africa

By the way I don't have proper imaging facilities for headstamps but I recon a flatbed scanner can have its uses  8)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Doug Lancon on May 11, 2006, 05:40:52 PM

If you've got a Point n Shoot digital camera, you can sometimes put it right up to the eyepiece of your comp. scope and zoom a bit to frame the cartridge better. 

It works well with my canon powershot (older than dirt). 

That scanner seems to work just fine, though. 8)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 11, 2006, 07:58:03 PM

I am not a Firearms/Toolmarks Examiner (although I reckon maybe that was my missed calling). So I don't have a comparison microscope or even access to one. What I've got is various cartridge components and forensic items as relates to gunshot wounds which is my main interest. I am a radiographer.
But as several AFTE members have helped me with information in the past, I will also help if it is possible for me to do so.
BTW one disadvantage of the flatbed: if the case has been fired and the pin impression makes a raised berm then the case may not sit level on the glass. That's what happened with that NGA case and I had to 'steer' it level with a pencil during scanning.
I have other cartridge cases but unfortunately I don't know the manufacturer. These are .223 Rem cases from an SLR course with the police back home in SA. They are probably South African but that's all I know. If anyone thinks they will be of use I can scan them too, just let me know.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 11, 2006, 09:08:13 PM

If you have other headstamps that are not already in the headstamp gallery, please do go ahead and post them and let someone else identify them.

Your scanning of the headstamp was quite ingenious.  I wouldn't have thought of doing it that way.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 12, 2006, 06:14:50 PM

Here are four cases whose manufacturer is unknown to me. I initially thought that the one with the triangle was a Norinco (I compared it to the headstamps in the gallery) but the apex is oriented the other way.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Doug Lancon on May 12, 2006, 06:28:57 PM
Brandon, you may well have missed your calling.  I think that my calling has missed me. :laugh:
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 12, 2006, 06:31:46 PM
Doug you may very well be right about me  ;D

In the gallery I see that there is a headstamp in the numbers album labelled "13" and listed as Pretoria Metal Pressings. Well I have three .223 cartridge cases here that are from a full auto shooting course I did in South Africa. Two of them are 13s and the other is a 14. I will not be surprised if these are found to be Pretoria Metal Pressings too. One other thing: because I am not in the know, I was initially confused by the right-angled impression on the rim of my samples and I thought that was part of the headstamp. But thinking this through logically I reckon they are not part of the headstamp because:

1) They do not appear at the same position on the head, relative to the numbers.
2) They appear at the same position on the head, relative to the ejector indent on the outside of the case after firing.

I am guessing that those are breech impressions (or similar) and possibly if someone here has access to a South African R5 rifle (a derivative of the Israeli Galil) they may be able to confirm this.
This all makes me think that it must be difficult at times to appreciate headstamps when you have been given discharged cartridge cases for analysis and they have discharge impressions of various sorts on them.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Charles Clow on May 12, 2006, 07:06:12 PM
That "right-angled impression" mark you speak of is the ejector mark.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 13, 2006, 11:11:47 AM

I was busy with a court rush officer involved shooting case and didn't have time to respond to your post while in the office.  Some of the headstamps you posted are familiar to me while others are not.  I do have the CartWinPro program and will post any information the program may have on the headstamps you posted.  That will be Monday when I'm back in the office though, since the program is only on my work computer.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 13, 2006, 02:22:30 PM
Thanks Charles and Richard for information: I am learning a few things here and I appreciate it.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 15, 2006, 08:42:44 AM

The information I am providing is from CartWinPro:

13 is Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP)

14 is not in CartWinPro

9MM (with no other markings) is not in CartWinPro

S&B is Sellier & Bellot and is already in the headstamp gallery

(Triangle)   93 is Norinco

Swirls is not in CartWinPro, but I have seen it before.  I just can't remember what it is.

I do have an upgrade for CartWinPro that has not been installed.  I'm waiting for someone with administrator rights to help me get it uploaded.  I'll check back after the upgrade is installed.

Anyone else want to give it a shot at identifying these?


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 15, 2006, 09:28:33 AM

Okay, I got the upgrade loaded and found information on two more.

According to CartWinPro:

Swirls is Swartclip Produkts (Pty) Ltd., Cape Town, South Africa

14 is Yugoslavia Factory number 14 (1929-1991)

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 15, 2006, 09:53:27 AM
Thanks, Richard, these headstamps are interesting, there must be thousands of them. A thought aoccurred to me: is it possible that two companies could both make a cartridge with the simple '9mm' headstamp? What do you do if that is the case?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Paul Murphy on May 15, 2006, 11:12:00 AM
From your first set of images - the top one 9mm Luger from PMP (Pretoria Metal Pressings)second one Sellier & Bellot, third one Norinco and the bottom one Swartklip Products, South Africa (SP - Denel).
Your second set of images appears to be all 5.56mm military headstamps made by PMP (Pretoria Metal Pressings).- I visited both factories on a frequent basis when I worked in the SAPS Forensic Lab)
Paul J Murphy
Senior Firearms Technical Advisor
Forensic Technology Inc
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 15, 2006, 11:45:50 AM
Paul, Thank you for the information.  Personal knowledge and information is always preferable to information one finds in a database.

Brandon, I don't know how to answer your question regarding two manufacturers using the same headstamp, since I have never encountered that before.  My answer is, I don't know.  Does anyone else want to take a shot at answering this question?


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on May 15, 2006, 03:22:28 PM
Now that there is some recent activity on the headstamp forums, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who have submitted images and provided information for the database. 

I'll do my best to get these latest images added and update some of the current galleries over the next few days. 

If you haven't checked out the guide in a while, please take a look.  Most of the headstamps in the "Letters" gallery now have manufacturer's web links and company profiles/histories attached to the images.

The AFTE Headstamp Guide is still very much a work in progress and any comments/feedback that may help improve the database are always welcome.  Additionally, please alert me of any errors or inaccurate information that you may encounter. 

Whether they have been acquired through a microscope, point-and-shoot camera, or flatbed scanner, the contibuted images have all been fantastic.  Keep up the good work and keep the photos coming!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Axel Manthei on May 15, 2006, 04:31:11 PM

the headstamp with "14" on the bottom and the two digits at 12 o'clock  is made by Pretoria Metall Pressing (PMP).

"14" is also used by Yugoslavia as factory number but has a different headstamp arrangement.

The "9MM" headstamp is as well made by PMP


I have been to Pretoria/RSA at the end of last month and brought back a quite a few of those cases and cartridges. Both above mentioned headstamps and others are waiting on my desk to be entered during this week.
The next update for the CartWinPro database is scheduled for the beginning of next month. You will also find a complete Yugoslavian "14" headstamp then as well.

Axel Manthei
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on May 16, 2006, 05:17:29 AM
Thanks Paul, I bet you saw a few things when you were in SA. I am trying to set up protocols for the retrieval of projectile evidence for theatre staff and casualty staff. I am more involved with the patient side of things.

@ All

Are you doing shotgun headstamps as well, or do you get enough information from the hull to not need it?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on July 14, 2006, 11:22:59 AM

International .45 Auto Frangible HP

International Cartridge Corp.
2273 Route 310
Reynoldsville, PA 15851
877-422-5332 toll free
814-938-6821 fax

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on July 14, 2006, 12:58:56 PM
Thanks Ashely!

This headstamp can now be viewed in the "Letter I" ( section of the Headstamp Guide.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Charles Clow on August 23, 2006, 11:56:45 AM
Hello All,

I am currently scraping through a bunch of ammo that was donated to the lab and I stumbled upon a caliber that I was not familiar with.

Federal headstamp 356 TS&W caliber. 

Blue Book of Gun Values says that the Model 3566 were manufactured by S&W Performance Center to fire the 356 TS&W cartridge. In metric terms the cartridge is 9x21.5mm.

Obviously at one time Federal produced cartridges for this caliber but currently Starline Brass is the only manufacturer that I could find that currently produces cases for the 356 TS&W.  The following is what the Starline website stated about the caliber.

"356 TS&W - Essentially a 9mm based case with O.A.L. Of .848. Gun system produced by Smith & Wesson Performance Center. This case can easily be formed into 30 luger."

Just thought I would share.

Title: Re: Help ID Headstamp
Post by: David Wright on August 28, 2006, 10:08:59 AM
I recently ran into some old ammo specimens that were hidden away in our lab system and came across the "VF" headstamp pictured below.  Packaged with the 22 LR cartridge is a photocopy of a Navy Arms Co. ammo box.  The back of the box is marked "Made in Mexico by industrias-Tecnos, c.v."

I suppose the manufacturer is clear, but any ideas what the "VF" stands for?

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on August 28, 2006, 10:34:49 AM

Val Forgett is the founder of Navy Arms Company, so the "VF" headstamp may be his initials.  However, this is only a guess.  Navy Arms should be able to provide a definitive answer though.  I sent them an email and will post any reply I may receive.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on August 28, 2006, 10:53:59 AM
Thanks Richard...that's very interesting information.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Charles Clow on August 28, 2006, 01:10:57 PM
"VF" are for Val Forgette Jr. Owner of Navy Arms Co. of Ridgefield, New Jersey

Ammo made by Industrias Tecnos, S.A. de C.V. Cuernavaca, Mor., Mexico. 

Dates 1983- present (I don't know how old this info is and when present is)

Reference: Kass

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on August 28, 2006, 01:17:05 PM
I just got off the phone with customer service at Navy Arms and was told that the VF stands for Val Forgett, founder of Navy Arms.

The lady said that the VF headstamp would only be on old ammunition (no definition of old given).  She said that they have merged with Old Western Scrounger, and all current headstamps will simply be OWS.  She also said they are currently located in Martinsburg, WV.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: rainbow6 on November 16, 2006, 04:54:11 PM
Here is a headstamp that was found in our random mix of 22 shorts.
It's made for Montgomery Wards Stores, Made by Federal.  I didn't see it in the gallery so I thought I would submitt it for addition.  I also found a great page for other rimfire headstamps.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on May 03, 2007, 05:24:24 PM
Winchester 22WRF "Limited Edition"

Made in USA by Olin Corp.
East Alton, IL 62024

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Michele Eichenmiller on May 23, 2007, 02:08:52 PM
Hello all!
I have a headstamp that I could not find in any of the resources available at our lab or on the Internet.  I thought I would utilize the membership for some help!!!  This isn't pertinent to our case but just a "gotta-know" thing!

Thanks in advance  :)

Michele  :)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 23, 2007, 03:29:49 PM
My guess is either Santa Barbara Spain or Seller & Belliot Czech.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Bill Wheatley on May 23, 2007, 06:33:23 PM
SB       Arms Corporation of the Philippines, (formally Squires Bingham Co.) Marikina, Republic of the Philippines

SB       Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de Industrias Militares SA, Toledo, Spain

SB       Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel

SB       Sellier and Bellot, Schoenbeck/Elbe, Germany
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Axel Manthei on May 23, 2007, 08:08:42 PM
From the appearance I would go for Santa Barbera/ Spain.

The Squire Bingham, Schönebeck and S&B/D I have see so far look different.

Bill, it is Schönebeck  ... not Schoenebeck ;D

See you in San Francisco!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Michele Eichenmiller on May 24, 2007, 09:17:59 AM
Thanks all for your help!  It verifies all the possible manufacturers that I found in our resources!

Have fun in CA!   O0
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 06:57:16 PM
7.62x39 Ball ammunition, for US commercial market, "Cheetah" line, from Zimbabwe Defense Industries Africa, gilding metal jacketed, lead core projectile, brass case, headstamp 97 ZI, red primer sealant, brass percussion primer, 3-stab primer crimp.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 07:02:37 PM
7.62x39 Ball ammunition for US commercial market, from Romania, "Hotshot" line, lacquered steel case, GMCS jacket, lead core projectile, red primer sealant covering primer, percussion primer, headstamp poorly reproduces, even under magnification:  90 SADU 7.62  (Might also be 9D SADU 7.62)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 07:17:08 PM
7.62x54R Ball ammunition, reportedly US DoD contract for the new Iraqi/Afghani forces, copper jacketed, lead core projectile, brass case, brass percussion primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp.  Packaging & cartridge construction similar to IK production, but possibly Privi Partisan production.  Headstamp JMS 02
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 07:35:58 PM
5.56 NATO Inert loaded dummy round, mfg'd by Lake City Army Ammunition Plant for packaging durability tests.  Standard brass case, FMJBT projectile, with inert powder simulant load, no primer or primer pocket, base headstamped INERT
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 07:43:22 PM
7.62 NATO Inert Dummy load by Lake City Army Ammunition Plant for in-house package durability tests, standard brass case, FMJBT projectile, with inert powder simulant load, blue bullet tip, and heavy case neck crimp to prevent bullet set-back, no primer or primer pocket, but headstamped LC 77 INERT across base.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 30, 2007, 10:54:00 PM
5.56/.223 caliber, 55 gr FMJ, lead core, GM jacketed bullet, brass case, headstamp T .223 from RUAG Swiss Munition.  Reportedly non-corrosive, percussion nickel primer, black primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp.  Imported for the commercial US market May 2007.  From white cardboard, 50-round boxes, 5-grey plastic, 10-round stripper clips per box, 4 boxes in a white plastic sealed "battle pack."  Various lot numbers and dates.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 30, 2007, 11:19:45 PM
Società Metallurgica Italiana, Campo Tizzoro, Italy headstamp.  Example is from a 12.7x81SR (.5 Vickers/565) ball round (semi-rimmed) from 1936.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 06, 2007, 11:52:42 AM
Typical Frankford Arsenal (US Gov't) headstamp of 1939, but with a "dot" in the headstamp indicating a special lot of brass cases or a special method of producing the brass (different draw steps for example).  "FA . 39"  From sealed boxes of 30-06 M1 Ball ammunition with brass percussion primer, black primer sealant, ring primer crimp, GM jacket, lead core bullet, with knurled crimp cannelure.  Ammunition packaged on 5-round brass stripper clips, 4 clips to a standard tan cardboard box with white label and blank ink markings "20 Cartridges  Ball  Caliber .30 M1  Ammunition Lot FA 49301."  Lot is headstamped for Frankford Arsenal and carries an FA lot number, but label also says "Twin Cities Arsenal." 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 08, 2007, 12:10:25 AM
30-06 NPE case (New Primed Empty) from Western/Olin.  Apparently intended for competition loading outside the factory.  Interesting to note these cases were corrosive primed indicating WW2 or earlier vintage.  Nickel plated brass cases, with nickel, percussion, boxer primers, no primer sealant, no primer crimp.  "Western 30-06 SPRG" headstamp.  Packaged in white cardboard, 20-round, slip-top boxes, with white labels and black printing.  "20  30 Springfield '06  Match  Empty Primed Shells  Corrosive Primers  Western Cartridge Co.  Division of Olin Industries, Inc.  East Alton, ILL. USA"  Lot number 50CC.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 16, 2007, 01:45:59 PM
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. of Murfreesboro, TN, circa 2007, on .50 BMG caliber M33 Ball ammunition manufactured for them by CBC (Brazil), for the commercial US market.  661 gr FMJBT, copper-jacketed, mild-steel (not AP) core projectile, with knurled crimping cannelure.  Brass case, brass percussion, non-corrosive, boxer primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp.  From black, 10-round, cardboard boxes, with white printing & Barrett logo.  Lot # BI0830 L-143.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 16, 2007, 02:14:00 PM
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. of Murfreesboro, TN, circa 2007.  Proprietary cartridge .416 Barrett, 10.5x83mm, .416/.50, for the commercial US market.  The .50 BMG case necked down and cut back for a .416 caliber projectile.  Bullet is a brass, monolithic solid match design.  Brass case, brass percussion, non-corrosive, boxer primer, no primer sealant or primer crimp, headstamp "Barrett .416"  From black, 10-round, cardboard boxes, with white printing & Barrett logo.  Lot # 022707.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 16, 2007, 08:50:45 PM
Dynamit Nobel AG of Germany, from a 7.62 NATO caliber, blue plastic, short range training round, brass case head, nickel primer, green primer sealant, ring crimp.  Specifically, illustrated item is for the British L1A1 rifle and designated L14A1 for UK MoD service.  From 50 round, tan cardboard box, with white label and black ink markings "50 Round, 7.62mm  Training, Short Range, L14A1  For use in rifle 7.62mm L1A1  Lot No. 01 DAG-04-86  TI 1305-12-148-7829"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 16, 2007, 09:28:04 PM
Radway Green manufacture of UK.  Illustrated specimen is of their post WW2 experimental assault rifle cartridge .280/.30 caliber, unsuccessful candidate to the 7.62 NATO caliber.  (1949 production)  Brass, berdan, percussion primer, purple primer sealant, ring crimp.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: mikeh123 on June 17, 2007, 07:09:50 PM
This ammo may be Igman made. Igman uses the same type ammo boxes and white paper boxes on other sizes too.

Scroll down to "Ammunition Cal. 7.62 x 54 mm"

Quote from: 50M2HB on May 25, 2007, 07:17:08 PM
7.62x54R Ball ammunition, reportedly US DoD contract for the new Iraqi/Afghani forces, copper jacketed, lead core projectile, brass case, brass percussion primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp.  Packaging & cartridge construction similar to IK production, but possibly Privi Partisan production.  Headstamp JMS 02
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 18, 2007, 11:45:41 PM
Packaging and construction of the cartridges themselves lend credence to the theory that they are Igman production, however, Igman sources say the JMS headstamp isn't theirs.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 19, 2007, 10:27:14 PM
Igman production of Konjic Yugoslavia (Bosnia) 5.56 NATO caliber M855 Ball ammunition.  Headstamp "IK 03 5.56x45"  Reportedly a contract for a NATO member nation equipping for deployment to Afghanistan or Iraq.  Packaged on 10-round stripper clips in white cardboard boxes, 4 boxes to an olive drab fabric bandoleer.  Three boxes contain three, 10-round stipper clips/box, while the fourth box contains a single 10-round stripper clip and a stripper clip "spoon" to facilitate magazine loading.  This provides 100 rounds/bandoleer.  Ammunition is green-tipped, copper jacketed, lead core, with steel penetrator projectile tip, knurled bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp.  Lot # 09 IK 04
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on June 19, 2007, 11:00:32 PM
AFTE Members and Friends,

I recently encountered a problem while updating the AFTE Headstamp Gallery.  As a result, the "Letters" portion of the database is not currently available for viewing.  I apologize for any inconvenience and will continue to work on a fix.  In the meantime, I'd like to thank all who have contributed to this resource.

Thank you, 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Forensic on June 20, 2007, 02:31:01 PM
Quote from: Bill Wheatley on May 23, 2007, 06:33:23 PM
SB       Arms Corporation of the Philippines, (formally Squires Bingham Co.) Marikina, Republic of the Philippines

SB       Empresa Nacional Santa Barbara de Industrias Militares SA, Toledo, Spain

SB       Israeli Military Industries, Tel Aviv, Israel

SB       Sellier and Bellot, Schoenbeck/Elbe, Germany

The correct answer would be: Squires Bingham (now Armscor of the Phillipines). The headstamp style is the same, as on the new ones with the hs AP 96  45 ACP (same look, same letterstyle).

Santa Barbara hasn´t made .45ACP in that time period (if ever)

and Sellier & Bellot from Schönebeck isn´t possible at all, as they are since WW2 not longer in the business of manufacturing pistol rounds (except under different names .22lr and some blank and teargas cartridges, which are made FOR THEM, by other firms from abroad), so, they never can have made a .45ACP in 1985.

The S&B Vlasim (CSR) style hs is totally different from this one...and in 1985 they still used their "bombs" as an indicator for the year code -different angles of the bombs or absence of one of the 2-.
Usually they do not use a year code at all, except on military contracts whereas the buyer usually request this.

All my best


Forensic Service Wellen
54441 Wellen/Germany
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 09, 2007, 01:15:00 AM
7.62x51 M-80 Ball (147 gr). GGG (Giraites Ginkluotes Gamykla) Made in Lithuania.  Brass cased, Nickel, Percussion, Boxer primed (reloadable) non-corrosive, Copper Jacket, Lead Core, Knurled Crimp Cannelure, Brass Case, Red Primer Sealant, Ring Primer Crimp.  Made in 2003.  20 rounds in a tan cardboard box with black ink printing "20 7.62x51 M80 440-GGG-03". 10 boxes in an Olive Drab plastic battle pack.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 17, 2007, 08:31:28 PM
7.62x39 Chinese military issue ball, packaged on 10-round steel stripper clips.  Copper-washed steel jacket, steel core, copper-washed steel case, brass percussion primer, most probably corrosive, red primer sealant, red case mouth sealant.  Projectile is probably FMJBT, 123 gr.  Headstamp "351 73"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Aaron Brudenell on July 17, 2007, 09:30:15 PM
Quote from: 50M2HB on July 09, 2007, 01:15:00 AM
GGG (Giraites Ginkluotes Gamykla) Made in Lithuania. 

Whew!   :o  For a second there I thought those "GGG" was "666"!
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 24, 2007, 08:30:50 PM
7.62 NATO caliber Blanks from Hirtenberg Patronen of Austria.  L31A1 blank, brass, full-length case, rose crimp case mouth, green mouth sealant, brass, percussion primer, red primer sealant, no primer crimp, headstamp "HP 92 L31A1"  Packaged 20 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white over label & black printing, purple lot number.  For commercial US market, circa:  2007
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 31, 2007, 09:15:05 PM
Typical military style, .50 BMG caliber (12.7x99) Ball round from the former Yugoslavia, Igman of Konjic (Bosnia).  Listed on the packaging as 699 grains, a Full-Metal-Jacketed design, probably boat-tail, with copper jacket, mild steel core and knurled crimp cannelure.  Typical brass case, brass percussion primer, reportedly boxer and non-corrosive, red primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp, & segmented case mouth crimp.  Headstamp "IK 06 .50"  10 rounds/cardboard box with red, white, black & grey markings.  Small, white, paper labels with black Igman logo and "01 06" sealing each end flap.  For commercial US market, circa:  2007
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 16, 2007, 10:57:31 AM
...found this in my collection
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 16, 2007, 04:29:55 PM
Found this one on 30-06 with black bullet tip. Remington Arms?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 16, 2007, 05:46:48 PM
Unknown 303 British headstamps.
Probably US or Canadian made.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 16, 2007, 05:48:17 PM
Known 303British.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Forensic on August 20, 2007, 02:49:28 PM
Quote from: Dalibor on August 16, 2007, 05:46:48 PM
Unknown 303 British headstamps.
Probably US or Canadian made.

Short identification of your ammo, Nr.1 to Nr. 8 (top to bottom)

Nr 1 = Ball, Mk VII, Dominion Arsenal Quebec, Canada 1943
Nr.2 = Ball, MK VII,Defence Industries,Canada,Z=Nitrocellulose
Nr.3 = Ball, Mk VII, Kynoch, GB, 1934,
Nr.4 = Ball, Mk VII, Kynoch, GB, 1933, 
Nr.5 = Ball, Mk VII, Kirkee Arsenal, or Kirkee Factory, India,1936
Nr.6 = Ball, Mk VII, Small Arms Amm.Factory Nr.6 at Rocklea,Australia
Nr.7 = Ball, MK VII, Royal Laboratory at Woolwich, GB, 1929
Nr.8 = Tracer, L = Luminoso, by SMI Italy, Societa Metallurgica Italiana 1936

Remark: This are only headstamps identifications; please obeye, that during wartime many cases where reloaded, no matter what headstamp was originally given to a certain bullet type. So, it could be possible, that some cases bear an other type of bullet, as indicated in the hs. Allways caution your first opinion :-), better make an x-ray before you do something wrong with a unkown "Bullet", your fingers will maybe thankfull...

Forensic Service, Wellen, Germany
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on September 08, 2007, 09:36:34 PM
7.62x54R caliber Czech manufacture, light ball, steel core, silver tip, dark lacquered steel case, blackened primer, two-element headstamp "bxn 89."  From green cardboard 20-round box, unmarked, except for a silver stripe to indicate projectile load.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on September 08, 2007, 09:52:25 PM
5.56 NATO Caliber Tracer from Royal Ordnance-Radway Green.  Brass case, gilding metal-clad steel projectile, knurled crimp cannelure, red tip, brass primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp.  Headstamp NATO symbol (circle/cross) RORG 92.  Packed on 10-round stripper clips, 380 rounds (38 strippers) per plain cardboard box without markings.  Circa 2007, US commercial market.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on September 08, 2007, 09:57:51 PM
7.62x54R Ball from Poland, red case mouth sealant, copper-washed steel case, brass primer, red primer sealant, headstamp (reversed) 21 83.  Packed in 20-round paper bundles, unmarked, with twine binding.  Note that the cartridge case has to be turned to properly read the headstamp numbers, unlike headstamps from Hungary & Romania, also carrying 21 as a headstamp plant code, which can be read without turning the case around.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on September 27, 2007, 02:52:22 PM
One of the local PDs turned in some ammunition they wanted to get rid of yesterday.  I found some headstamps that aren't in the gallery while looking through it to see what I had received.

The box this came in is marked "Cartridge, Pistol Ball, Caliber .45 M1911, Powder, Bulls Eye, No. 2, Army Lot 106, Frankford Arsenal".  This headstamp is different from the Frankford Arsenal headstamp already in the gallery.


The box this came in is marked "Ball, Caliber .30 M2, Denver Ordnance Plant".


The box this came in is marked "S&W/9MM, 9mm Luger, 100 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point, Smith & Wesson-Fiocchi, Inc., Alton, Illinois 62002, Made in U.S.A.".  This headstamp is different from the S&W F headstamp already in the gallery.


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on October 01, 2007, 08:06:26 PM
Prototype for the US M61 AP, 7.62x51 NATO (.308) caliber.  20 rounds to a tan cardboard box.  Due to its early nature, the box is actually 30-06 caliber and too long, so cardboard was inserted along the top to act as a spacer.  T93E2 AP.  Buff colored label with black printing.  Black tip color, knurled bullet ID cannelure, smooth bullet crimp cannelure, brass percussion primer, red sealant, ring primer crimp.  Headstamp LC 54
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on October 06, 2007, 08:59:12 PM
.50 BAT (Battallion Anti-Tank or Basic Artillery Trainer) caliber (12.7x77) Spotter-Tracer, M48A1.  10-round, tan box, black ink stampinig.  Yellow/Red (recessed) tip, knurled bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion boxer primer (without flashtube), red primer sealant, ring crimp, 4-position (90 degree layout) headstamp "LC 68."  Packaged 11 boxes per olive drab colored, M2A1 ammunition can, yellow stencilling "110 Ctgs Cal .50 Spotter Tracer M48A1 Cartons Lot LC 12577."
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on October 27, 2007, 09:18:50 AM
Some European headstamps...

PG Pobjeda Gorazde, Bosnia and Herzegovina

PS probably Povazske Strojarne

Libra stamped over S&B  Libra a.s.  Jevisovice, Czech Republic, case made by Sellier&Belot.

And close-up picture of re-stamped case
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on October 27, 2007, 10:01:15 AM
More European headstamps...

PS probably Povazske Strojarne

DAG  Dynamit Nobel AG  SUBSONIC 147grs(?) FMJ bullet, berdan primer, same funny color sealant used on bullet

OL-PP  unknown

IK  Igman, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, commercial after cca 1996.
123grs FMJ @ 1115fps

M-90   M-90 ammunition factory, Croatia
M-90 d.o.o.
Bana Jelačića 51
47250 Duga Resa,
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on November 09, 2007, 09:11:33 PM
Current rifle case headstamp format from Lapua of Finland.  This is the .338 Lapua caliber.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on December 26, 2007, 07:40:39 PM
5.56mm NATO caliber M193 Ball, FMJBT, gilding metal jacket, lead core bullet with knurled crimp cannelure.  Brass case, brass, percussion primer, no visible primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "AP 07 5.56" from Arms Corporation (ARMSCORP) of the Phillipines.  Lot imported for commercial US market, fall 2007.  From white cardboard, 20 round boxes with black printing, "20 Cartridges  Cal. 5.56mm Ball, M193  Lot No 5560011"  Inside top flap purple ink stamped "07 072607"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: IHMSA80x80 on January 11, 2008, 02:25:37 PM
Here's my first picture for the Image Gallery.


DoubleTap Ammunition
568 S. Main St. #333
Cedar City, UT 84720

Mike McNett
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Justine Kreso on February 25, 2008, 02:52:20 PM
Israel Military Industries
9mm CARB (9 x 19mm)
Designed for Uzi

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on February 28, 2008, 11:22:53 AM
I bought a box of ammo a couple of days ago, because I had not previously heard of the marketer.  The box is marked Ball, Caliber .30 M2 ... Greek Powder and Cartridge Co.  The headstamp isn't in the Headstamp Gallery either, so I have attached it below.


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: copdoc on February 29, 2008, 08:55:44 PM
Here are a few unusual ones.

Experimental 7.62mm spotter tracer

Same round beside 22 magnum for scale

30-06 antenna erecting round

top of antenna erecting round

antenna round over experimental 25 Cal duplex

WWII German aircraft 7.92mm round left with green band beside standard 7.92mm

headstamp of aircraft round

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on March 02, 2008, 02:09:34 PM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber AP(HC)I round, Armor Piercing "Hard Core" Incendiary from ST Kinetics (ex-Singapore Technologies, ex-Charter Industries) from Singapore.  An improved API round, but with a tungsten core as opposed to the more typical hardened steel alloy core.  Nickel primer, green primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp 50 HG.  The HG designation isn't a manufacturer/plant code, but a date code.  HG translates to 87, 1987, the year of production.  Smooth projectile crimp cannelure, black/grey tip.  Other known tip color codes from ST are grey (API), red/grey (APIT). 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on March 26, 2008, 10:26:06 PM
12 Gauge shotshell, US DoD contract over-run, 00 Buckshot from Winchester.  Olive Drab plastic body with chemically darkened brass hi wall case head, black ink stamping on body "9 Pel 00 Buck," brass primer, "Winchester 12 GA" commercial headstamp.  Packed 5 rounds per tan cardboard box, with black ink stamping "5 Cartridges 12 GA Shotshell No. 00 Buckshot Lot WCC08B078-006 Olin Corporation" on front and "5 Cartridges 12 GA Shotshell No. 00 Buckshot" on one end.  White label with black printing on back with bar code on opposite end "Military Grade MG Buck Q1544"  Marketed by Midway USA  Lot # indicates Feb 2008 production.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on April 16, 2008, 09:32:18 PM
7.62 NATO caliber Blank, probably Grenade due to heavy wax case mouth sealant.  Black case mouth sealant, rose crimp case mouth, brass case, brass percussion primer, with clear primer sealant, ring primer crimp, TZ 79 headstamp.  From 20-round, tax cardboard box, with buff colored label, and Black ink printing, indicating lot # 5-79 with short string for breaking the seal and opening package.  Entire package sealed in plastic for storage. 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on April 22, 2008, 04:57:45 PM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber Ball ammunition sold by J&G Sales of Prescott, AZ, April, 2008.  FMJBT projectile, copper jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass case, nickel percussion primer, purplish-red primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "SF-1-81 12,7 I"  Headstamp indicates French production at the SFM (Gevelot) plant ("Societe  Francaise  des  Munitions") in 1981, probably 1st Quarter, using brass manufactured by "Societe  de  Metallurgie  Franco-Belge, Issy-les-Moulineaux"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on April 29, 2008, 09:33:11 PM
9mm Parabellum (9x19) caliber full metal jacket ball, manufactured by Smith & Wesson in Rock Creek, OH.  50 round, cardboard box, blue printing, blank ink stamped "115 gr 9mm Full Metal Case Luger S9mm5"  Brass cased, nickel boxer percussion primer, green primer sealant, headstamp ".. S&W .. 9mm"  Headstamp dots designate source of brass used in ammunition construction.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on April 29, 2008, 09:52:13 PM
30-06 150 gr. FMJ-BT Ball, copper jacketed/lead core bullet.  Match load, by Federal Cartridge Co for National Garand rifle championsips, US DoD Civilian Marksmanship Program.  20 round, white cardboard boxes, with black printing.  10 rounds per clear plastic belt ammunition holder.  Brass case, brass percussion boxer primer, red primer sealant, no primer crimp, headstamp "FC 30-06 SPRG"
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 09, 2008, 06:51:17 PM
7.62x51 (7.62 NATO) caliber Ball, 2nd model, from Pakistan Ordnance Factories, model L2A2, gilding metal clad steel bullet jacket, smooth bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "POF 80 L2A2"  From 20 round, yellow cardboard boxes, with tan over label printed in green ink, with purple ink stampings of 1980 production date, lot number, acceptance, etc.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 26, 2008, 08:50:57 PM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber ball from Pretoria Metal Pressings.  690 gr. FMJ-BT, copper jacket, mild steel core projectile with smooth crimp cannelure, brass case headstamped "D 02 12.7"  Brass, percussion, boxer primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp, 234.7 grains of ball powder.  Two, 10-round, tan cardboard boxes to an olive drab battle pack.  White labels with black printing "10 RD 12.7x99mm Ball 046 D 02" on both.  D indicates "Denel" the parent company of PMP, 046 is the lot # and 02 is the production date of 2002.  Imported for the US commercial market by Wideners of TN, May of 2008. 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 08, 2008, 01:57:23 PM
12.7x99 (.50 BMG) caliber Ball from South Africa, 1997 production, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), gilding metal jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass cased, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp.  "15" refers to loading, not a plant/manufacturer code.  Type 1 (i.e. ball), 5th model.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 08, 2008, 02:03:31 PM
12.7x99 (.50 BMG) caliber Ball from South Africa, 1998 production, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), gilding metal jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass cased, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp.  Reportedly part of a lot originally produced for either Columbia or Kazakhstan.  M1A5 bullet.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 18, 2008, 10:31:53 PM
9x19 (9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum) M939 Training-Practice-Tracer from FFV VINGAKER of ESKILSTUNA, SWEDEN, not for pistol or SMG's but as a sub-caliber training device for the AT4 Anti-Armor weapon.  For M287 target practice launcher for M136 AT4 Anti-armor weapon.  Same ballistic trajectory of M136 HEAT round to 400 M, MV 950 fps, Trace to 450 M, Max range 1600 M.  Red tip, white case mouth sealant.  Brass case, brass, percussion primer, white primer sealant, case head 1/2 blackened for ID, headstamp "FFV 90"  Packaged in white cardboard, 50 round box, with black plastic tray carrier, black ink printing "50 rds 9mm Practice Cartridge M939 90E003-010" Lot number indicates May 1990 production.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 19, 2008, 09:06:26 PM
7.62 NATO FMJBT, cupro-nickel clad steel jacket, lead core, smooth crimp cannelure from Metallwerk Elisenhütte G.m.b.H., Nassau, Lahn, Germany.  Lot imported for the US commercial market, available by Midway USA, June, 2008.  Brass case, brass percussion berdan primer, green primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp.  Headstamp (NATO symbol) "MEN 94B0008"  (Headstamp includes lot number, indicating February 1994 production.)  Bullet design is AB22 whose terminal ballistic performance in tissue is unique from most other 7.62 NATO FMJBT Ball bullet designs.  Rather than pitching up 90 degrees, then pitching backwards another 90 degrees and exiting backwards, AB22 pitches up 90 degrees then breaks into two parts at the cannelure, similar in performance to M193 5.56 NATO Ball.  Packaged 20 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white label and black printing "AB22 20 Patrone 7.62mm DM111 Weichkern LOS MEN94B0008."  Packages had been opened & resealed with thin white paper label with blue printing "MMunDp6."  10 cardboard boxes to an olive drab plastic "battle pack," with white label & same markings.  Battle Packs have been opened and resealed with olive drab duct tape.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 03, 2008, 08:06:14 PM
7.62 NATO (7.62x51) Blank from Germany, Dynamit Nobel (DAG).  Olive Drab plastic case body & "bullet," steel case head, nickel primer, no primer sealant, 3-stab crimp, "7.62x51 DAG-89-70" headstamp.  "Bullet" is cross-hatched (4 slits) at the tip for breakage when fired.  Packed 50 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white label and black printing.  4-segmented circle on label indicates "blank"  10 boxes to a tan cardboard sleeve with similar white label.  Sleeve is sealed in clear plastic "battle pack" bag.  Boxes had apparently been opened at some point and resealed with twin, thin, white strips printed in black ink "Munitionsdepot Zetel."
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Beddow on August 19, 2008, 05:50:25 PM
Here is a 22 LR headstamp currently not in the Guide. I just came across this one in a case.

Cascade Cartridge International
Manufactured in San Luis Potosi, Mexico

A reference with images of the ammunition box and profile view of a cartridge is in the AFTE Journal 1979, Vol. 11, #2, pg 87

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jason Flater on August 26, 2008, 12:00:57 PM
Extreme Shock Ammunition
9mm Luger
Clintwood, VA
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on September 03, 2008, 12:57:18 PM
I am working a case with a 40 caliber class bullet that has a very thin "painted on" jacket and a CCI 40 S&W cartridge case.  While looking through my lab ammo I found that the older boxes of CCI Blazer Brass ammo have the "CCI" headstamp, but the newer boxes have a "BLAZER" headstamp.


I couldn't find a previous submission of this headstamp.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on September 13, 2008, 11:06:11 PM
5.56 NATO caliber Mark 262 Match/Sniper load ("Long Range") for US Special Operations Command.  77 gr Sierra Match King Open Tip Match (NOT hollow point) copper jacketed, lead core, boat-tail.  Mod 0 is without bullet crimp cannelure, Mod 1 is with cannelure.  Produced exclusively by Black Hills Ammunition of South Dakota utilizing brass from other producers.  Tan 20-round cardboard box with black plastic separators, black ink stamping.  Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) AA53.  Brass case, brass percussion boxer primer, no primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "WCC 04" (Winchester 2004 brass in this lot).
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Frank Miller on April 09, 2009, 11:03:24 AM
Here is a new one I found in our ammunition collection:

Polte, Werk Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Frank Miller on April 09, 2009, 11:50:31 AM
Here is another one that I found:

We have the original packaging from Forensic Ammo Services

Swartklip Products (Pty.) Ltd., Cape Town (Formerly known as RMC - Ronden Manufacturing)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on April 12, 2009, 05:58:16 PM
Frank what is the year of manufacture?
That's the first time I've seen that headstamp on a Swartklip case.
I usually expect the Swirl mark as seen on this .22 LR headstamp that I submitted to the guide:
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 08, 2009, 05:08:24 PM
Here is a test/sample for a Headstamp I have.  If this format is successful, and OK for what you need for insertion into your site then I'll start scanning and formatting the others.


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on June 09, 2009, 02:54:34 AM
I recommend increasing the scanning DPI, cropping much closer to the case and making sure the scanner is set to 24-bit photo. Some text/document settings produce lower quality (for what we need here).
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 09, 2009, 04:04:01 PM
With Brandon's help, here is my next attempt for a headstamp submit.  Let me know if this will work.  IT took several scans time to get the DPI where I think it need to be, but you let me know.

This is from my military brass collection.  Don't know much about it.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on June 09, 2009, 04:16:15 PM

You've got it dude.  The photo looks good.  I'm glad Brandon could be of assistance with this, because I've never scanned a headstamp image with flatbed scanner.  I offer my thanks to both of you.

Please provide whatever information you may have for the headstamps you submit.  However, it isn't a problem if you don't have the information.  If no information is submitted I will attempt to find the information or ask others to assist in finding the information.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 09, 2009, 04:29:43 PM
Great news.  I'll get started on the remaining headstamps.  It will take a little bit of time but I should be able to post a few a night, I hope.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 09, 2009, 08:11:05 PM

I spent the better part of three hours and have 32 headstamps to submit.  My wife is wondering if I'm ever going to get off this computer.  Anyhow, I went through the current lists and tried to remove my duplicates.  So her goes... 

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 09, 2009, 08:13:01 PM
A couple more...
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 09, 2009, 08:16:45 PM
And some more...  This should keep you busy for alittle while.  I will post the remaining tomorrow, As the wife is getting on me!!!

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 10, 2009, 06:45:15 PM
OK Richard I'm ready for round two...

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 10, 2009, 06:48:18 PM
Another bunch...

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 10, 2009, 06:55:37 PM

Last set for tonight.  I need to scan the rest that I have set aside and look through some of my other brass.  I do have a few rim fire pieces that I will get to you for posting.  There was also a photo with a primer stamp from last nights group. 

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Zak Carr on June 11, 2009, 09:56:27 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post these images from your collection. 
What is the story on this cartridge case bearing only three primer pocket stab crimps but no headstamp?  What is the caliber? If caliber is unknown, how bout the design and dimensions?  What design of bullet is loaded in it?  Are bullet and/or cartridge case steel (are they magnetic)?  Is there any colored sealant around the mouth of the cartridge case?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 11, 2009, 04:35:12 PM

The Caliber is unknown but the dimensions are as follows...

Overall Length - 2.977 inches
Case Length Including the body and neck - 2.002 Inches
Body Length - 1.535
Neck Length - .292
Shoulder - .194
Projectile length - .975
Case Diameter - .446
Projectile Diameter - .261

Case and bullet are not magnetic and appear to be brass and lead.  There appears to be a red sealant around the case mouth.  I can take a picture and post if you like. 

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Axel Manthei on June 11, 2009, 06:26:41 PM

actually this was exactly the example I used in my workshop "Ammunition Identification & CartWinPro" at AFTE 2009 (as well as the Czech markings).

From the measurements it seems to be a 6,5 mm Arisaka / 6,5 mm Japanese.
The Japanese sample I have also bears no headstamp and has the 3 destictive primer pocket stabs.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 11, 2009, 07:38:19 PM
Here are a few Rim fire headstamps I found that were not listed in the guide.

I also have another 12 or so .38 special headstamps ready to post.  Just let me know if I am posting to many.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on June 11, 2009, 08:06:14 PM

No, you aren't posting too many headstamps.  I am a little busy with some work related things right now.  I know where I left off in moving headstamps to the gallery, and I will get them all caught up when I get through with my work project.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 11, 2009, 09:16:06 PM
OK.  Here are a few 38 Special headstamps I didn't see in the guide.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on June 11, 2009, 09:19:16 PM
And the remaining 38. Specia - so far.  I will start to look through my collection of 9mm, 45 ACP, .40 and misc brass next.  I'm sure to find others.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 25, 2009, 10:42:36 AM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber, armor piercing load mfg'd by Fray Luis Beltran arsenal of San Lorenzo Argentina.  Imported for the US civilian market by Discount Distributors ( ) of West Berlin, NJ, circa March 2009.  Brass, percussion, berdan primed, black primer sealant, 3-stab crimp.  Projectile design virtually identical to US WW2 vintage M2 AP, 695 gr, FMJBT, hardened steel core, copper jacket, smooth crimp cannelure.  216.5 gr of extruded powder.  Very heavy brass casing, 915.6 gr New Primed Empty.  20 rounds/tan cardboard box with black printing and white paper label seal.  20 boxes/wooden crate.  1985 production, 03 designates lot #.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 25, 2009, 10:44:05 AM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber, Ball 1976 mfg by Fray Luis Beltran arsenal of San Lorenzo Argentina.  Imported for the US civilian market by Discount Distributors ( ) of West Berlin, NJ, circa March 2009.  Brass, percussion, berdan primed, black primer sealant, 3-stab crimp.  Projectile design virtually identical to US WW2 vintage M2 Ball, 695 gr, FMJBT, mild steel non-armor piercing core, copper jacket, smooth crimp cannelure.  210 gr of extruded powder.  Very light brass casing, 834 gr New Primed Empty.  20 rounds/tan cardboard box WITHOUT any markings.  20 boxes/wooden crate.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on July 13, 2009, 05:53:26 PM
Sellier&Belot, Vlasim, Czech Republic
9x19 TFMJ 124grs, year of production 2009. (09 between s&b and nontox).
Charge: ball type propellant, probably Lovex
Other remarks: small flash hole - approx 1,4mm (0.055")
Packaging:500 rds packed in a plastic/alu bag, probably for military/le training.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Donnie Finley on July 14, 2009, 10:49:01 AM
One of our local agencies uses whatever 5.56 they can find, for training and for duty. They got some Guatemalan Military surplus ammo and are using it. I didn't see any info on the forum about it so here's a picture of the headstamp. I haven't been able to see the box/can, but their rangemaster confirmed the origin. 55 grain FMJ boattail with cannelure

Edit: bullet info
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on July 14, 2009, 08:36:15 PM
Thanks Donnie.

I was also able to confirm the source as Industria Militar de Guatemala, and the headstamp is now in the "G" gallery of the Headstamp Guide at the link below.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on July 24, 2009, 12:39:54 PM

Silver State Armory
800 Margaret Street, Bldg. 1 & 4
Pahrump, NV 89048
Phone: 775-473-9898
Fax: 775-537-1119 (

A special thanks to Richard Hitchcox for taking over the AFTE headstamp database, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on July 26, 2009, 12:08:36 PM
Thank you David.  The headstamp has been added to the letter "S" gallery and can be viewed at the link below.

I am attempting to uphold the standards that you set for the AFTE Headstamp Guide, but you did set the bar rather high.  

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on July 26, 2009, 04:49:08 PM

I received several old military rifle and some old pistol rounds today.  Would you like pictures of the headstamps?  I see that the last bunch I submitted did not reach the "new" section.  I don't want to back you up as I know this is a side job.  Just let me know and I'll get them ready.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 13, 2009, 09:03:03 AM
FMSF 9x19
Fábrica Militar de San Francisco, San Francisco, Argentina
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: David Wright on August 20, 2009, 12:57:33 PM
PMC/Poongsan (Korea)

Connecticut Cartridge Corporation
-box indicates manufactured by:
HHC Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: April Kendrick on August 20, 2009, 02:15:55 PM
Industrie-Werke Karlsruhe

DWM - Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: April Kendrick on August 21, 2009, 03:35:21 PM
Reference: George G. Kass, AFTE 2004 Presentation
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on August 23, 2009, 10:19:23 PM
Many thanks to everyone who has submitted headstamps for inclusion in the Headstamp Guide.  Your efforts are appreciated.

I believe that I have updated the Headstamp Guide to include all of the headstamps that have been submitted.  The headstamps that included sufficient information have been moved to the appropriate galleries, and the other headstamps have been moved to the "New" gallery.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dalibor on August 30, 2009, 05:36:56 PM
Few more images for the gallery

1. 38 unknown 32cal, case length 26,00mm
2. 61 probably China
3. G.F.L. - Fiocchi
4. MEN Metallwerk Elisenhütte GmbH
Elisenhütte 10 · 56377 Nassau/Lahn
Tel. +49 2604 78-0 · Fax +49 2604 78-180
Milosa Obrenovica 2
31000 Uzice
6. Sellier & Belot, Czech Republic (year of production 2008- 08 on the case)
7. SF 76  Argentina or Brasil
8. TT - unknown .32ACP
9. Unknown 9x19
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: nick on August 31, 2009, 01:24:49 PM
I found it making sub in meridional dalmatia (croatia). then I cleaned it!
I think it's from 1993 war.
Can you tell me more about it??
Thank you!
Best regards,
Nicola from Italy.
Title: better picture
Post by: nick on August 31, 2009, 01:35:09 PM
better image!
Title: Re: croatia headstamp
Post by: Charles Clow on August 31, 2009, 01:39:54 PM

Here are the IK images and info in our Headstamp gallery.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on August 31, 2009, 02:08:42 PM
Charles, thanks for providing the reference to the items already in the Headstamp Guide.  

I merged the posts regarding the Igman (IK) headstamp into one topic and deleted the duplicate posts for the sake of clarity.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: JAndrews on September 12, 2009, 09:34:25 PM
Quote from: Richard Hitchcox on August 23, 2009, 10:19:23 PM
Many thanks to everyone who has submitted headstamps for inclusion in the Headstamp Guide.  Your efforts are appreciated.

I believe that I have updated the Headstamp Guide to include all of the headstamps that have been submitted.  The headstamps that included sufficient information have been moved to the appropriate galleries, and the other headstamps have been moved to the "New" gallery.



I'm glad you finally found the time to post all of the remaining headstamp pictures.  I didn't want to overburden you with the pictures I have been sending.  I was able tonight to get about another 9 or so ready for you.  I still have about 20 or so rifle headstamps to go, that is until I come across more in my collection.  
If these images are to small let me know and I can re-size them and re-post.

PS I re-sized and re-posted the images...
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Zak Carr on November 16, 2009, 12:22:22 PM
Speer 380 Auto.

Linda Olin from CCI/Speer Technical Services indicates that:

The two dots on either side of the word SPEER indicate that the cartridge case was manufactured in Lewiston, Idaho at the CCI/Speer manufacturing facility. They call it 'Lewiston Brass'.

Thought this may be a good entry into the Headstamp Guide.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on November 16, 2009, 01:13:54 PM

Information from the manufacturer/marketer is exactly what I like to receive when updating the AFTE Headstamp Guide.  I will be updating the guide with this headstamp and information soon. :-00  


p.s. I had an instance where someone emailed me information regarding a headstamp, and I responded to the email asking for the source of the information.  However, I went ahead and updated the guide while awaiting the information regarding the source.  I was very embarrassed to find out that the information supplied to me had been copied and pasted from CartWinPro.  I again offer my most sincere apologies to Axel and CartWinPro regarding the previous incident.  

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on November 21, 2009, 10:08:52 PM
30-06 M1909 blank, US DoD contract to CBC of Brazil, for saluting blanks for color guards of veterans organizations.  Brass case, 6-finger case mouth crimp, light blue or grey wax case mouth sealant, brass primer, purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp 06 CBB with lines.  From tan, 20 round box, reclosable style, rather than sealed.  Black printing "20 Cartridges  Blank  Caliber .30 M1909  CBB06D001-006  Dangerous within 20 feet"  From standard M2A1 ("50 cal sized") ammo can, olive drab, with yellow stencilling of same informatino, 620 rounds/can.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on December 03, 2009, 08:34:26 AM
One of the other examiners here received some cartridges with this headstamp in a case recently.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on December 03, 2009, 08:51:22 PM
U.M.C. S H .40-82.


Produced by the Union Metallic Cartridge Company founded in Bridgeport CT in 1867. Merged with Remington Arms Company in 1912 to become Remington U.M.C.

"SH" refers to the solid head construction (as opposed to the folded head construction).

The 40-82 Winchester Center Fire (WCF) was introduced ~1885 for the Model 1886 Lever-action rifle/Winchester Single Shot Rifle and produced until ~ 1935.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on December 03, 2009, 09:13:46 PM
"U" 41 Short Rimfire


Produced by the Remington Arms Company, Bridgeport CT.

The .41 Short Rim Fire cartridge was introduced ~1863 for use in derringers. Obsolete since about the 1940's.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on December 03, 2009, 09:34:28 PM
".22 S.H-P. S.A. Corp."


Produced by the Savage Arms Corporation; Utica, NY ~1917-1926.

The .22 Savage High Power was introduced for the Model 99 lever action rifle ~1912.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ed Love on December 10, 2009, 05:10:46 PM
I'm going to try this again. 3rd time. Here are some new ones to be added to our "guide". These are all 7.62x54R.

1. Albania - 1987, the 3 at 6:00 is probably a cyrillic 'Z'
2. Bulgaria - Fact. code 10, year 2000
3. Hungaria - Fact. code 21, year 1974
4. Iran - Year 2007; Unident. #7
5. Iraq - Fact. code 03, 54 (for 7.62x54), year 87 (1987)
6. Romania - Fact. code 22, year 1977
7. Romania - Fact. code 325, year 1985
8. Romania - No fact. code, year 1988
9. Russia - Fact. code 17, year 1983
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ed Love on December 10, 2009, 05:23:52 PM
A few additional 7.62x54R:

1. Iraq - Al Yarmouk Defense Industries, 7.62x54, 78 (1978)
2. Poland - Fact. code 21, year 1976
3. Poland - Fact. code 343, year 1955
4. Russian - Fact. code 188, year 1974
5. Russian - Fact. code 17, year 1976 (raised numbers)
6. Czech - Fact. code bxn, year 1985
7. Yugoslavia (Bosnia) - No fact. code, 7.62x54R, year 2004

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ed Love on December 10, 2009, 07:01:16 PM
A few 9mm entries:

1. Iraq - Fact. code 03, 9 (for 9mm), 86 (1986)
2. Iraq - Iraq Defense Industries, 9mm, 76 (1976)
3. Syria - 9 (9mm), 66 (1966)
4. Pakistan - Pakistan Ordnance Factory, year 2005, 9MM
5. Sweden - Fact. code 070, year 1978
6. Poland - Fact. code 21, year 2004
7. Bulgaria - Fact. code 10, year 2003
8. Iran - No fact. code, 2005
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on December 10, 2009, 07:38:23 PM

Thanks for the new headstamp submissions. :-0

I'll try to get the headstamp guide updated soon to include all of your submissions plus any others that haven't yet been added. 

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: drmarkwg on February 20, 2010, 08:28:12 PM
I could not find this head stamp in our gallery. Hopefully someone can identify it.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: curtito on February 21, 2010, 01:55:27 PM
This is a commercial Nagant cartridge made by GFL (Fiocchi, Italy)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: kingofcoins on April 27, 2010, 12:34:08 PM
Hi folks ! Great site....I joined up to offer the odd headstamps I notice while sorting brass for retail auctions. If you need some brass or coins let me know.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 05, 2010, 12:02:58 AM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber M8 Armor Piercing Incendiary ammunition, loaded in the US and marketed by DS Arms of Barrington Illinois, utilizing demilled bullets and powder, but on New Primed Empty (NPE) brass from the United Arab Emirates company Adcom.  Brass, percussion, primer, purple sealant, 3-stab crimp.  Ammunition packaged in plain white cardboard boxes (10 or 25 rounds), with white paper labels and black printing.  New product line, circa 2010.  Note the positioning of the headstamp elements, date and caliber are reversed from 5.56 caliber example currently in AFTE headstamp DB.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: GregM1 on June 23, 2010, 05:39:38 PM
Hi everyone. Just joined up to add to the information pool.

DWM 9x23 Steyr

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: GregM1 on June 23, 2010, 05:40:13 PM

Mannlicher 7.65
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: GregM1 on June 23, 2010, 05:43:31 PM
GFL 9M38
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: GregM1 on June 23, 2010, 06:10:26 PM
Hirtenberger 9x23 Steyr Patrol Ammuntion w close up of factory stamp on a matching stripper clip.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on June 27, 2010, 12:57:39 PM
7.62 NATO Caliber M62 Tracer, orange tip, brass case, brass percussion boxer non-corrosive primer. ring primer crimp, no visible primer sealant. 147 grain bullet with knurled crimp cannelure.   From tan 20-round cardboard box with black printing.  Sample is from a lot of "factory seconds" from Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, but marketed by Federal Ammunition for the commercial US market as "XM62."  Original DoD intended production that failed QC acceptance standards, usually for appearances.  In this example tip colors ranged from 90% to virtually missing.  Circa 2010  Unlike other examples of LC headstamps in the AFTE DB, this (being 7.62) doesn't have the "dot" headstamp markings of SCAMP production.  Except for box markings, might easily be confused with "stolen" miliitary inventory.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 01, 2010, 09:20:17 PM
1956 production .303 Caliber by Radway Green of UK.  Copper percussion Berdan primer, ring crimp, purple primer sealant.  Ball projectile, smooth bullet cannelure, brass case.  From 32 round tan cardboard box with gray label and green printing.  Black ink lot number rubber stamped.   In this example, the Mark # in the headstmap is numeric rather than a Roman Numeral 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 12, 2010, 08:57:58 PM
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber M33 Ball, imported for the civilian/commercial US market in 2010.  From Olive Drab M2A1 ammunition cans, linked 4:1 with M17 Tracer.  (Tracers removed before distribution.)  Brass case, nickel percussioin primer, green primer sealant, ring primer crimp.  FMJBT bullet, copper jacket, mild steel core, twin (smooth) bullet cannelures (1 ID, 1 crimping).  Produced by Charter Industries Singapore (now ST Kinnetics).  Headstamp code is caliber & date, (not mfgr code) and translates to 1989 production
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Downey42 on July 16, 2010, 02:45:31 PM
I don't know anything really about this headstamp, I had a detective try and help, perhaps Wolf or other Russian manufacturer due to the steel casing. I have seen the little symbol on two other headstamp images in the gallery. Other than that, I cannot provide any other info.. Any help would be appreciated!

Thank You!
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Charles Clow on July 16, 2010, 02:56:03 PM (

The manufacturer info is in the headstamp gallery.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Downey42 on July 16, 2010, 03:13:05 PM
So, are you saying this is also Silver Bear ammo manufactured by the Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Charles Clow on July 16, 2010, 04:21:09 PM
Not Silver Bear . . . they are, in my experience, nickel plated steel.  Looks like yours is just the steel with the greenish, or is it just plain steel, coating by Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Downey42 on July 16, 2010, 04:41:10 PM
Ah! We have these bright yellow lights in our "lab", so.. the image is a bit deceiving, colorwise.. But yes, it does have that coating!
Thanks for your input!  ;)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on July 18, 2010, 06:15:58 PM
Minuteman line of .50 BMG caliber ammunition for the commercial US shooting market, utilizing once-fired military brass and pulled surplus military projectiles, brass, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primers from CCI, no primer sealant, primer crimp removed.  This example utilizes WW2-vintage M2 Armor Piercing projectiles.  Mixed headstamps, this particular box contained brass originally from Japan.  Distributed by the Ammunition Store of North Canton, OH.  Circa July 2010.  Brown cardboard box of 10 rounds with white paper label and black printing.  Headstamp codes translate to J=Japan, N=NIPPON KOKI CO LTD, W= Western calendar, 05=Date of prodution, 2005.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: GunKnowledge on August 22, 2010, 04:23:36 PM
Feel free to use my pictures if you find any you need, I update every now and then: (
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Lee Samuelson on November 10, 2010, 06:06:49 PM
Starline 50 Action Express
Starline Brass  1300 West Henry, Sedalia, MO 65301 (

Interesting trivia note per Robert Hayden of Starline:
Very few of their cartridge cases get the three stars, only the larger calibers with a short caliber designation; 50-AE leaves plenty of extra room on the case head to add the third star.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on November 29, 2010, 05:07:02 PM
Here is one that stumped several of us.


It is manufactured by Sellier & Bellot at their Prague, Czech Republic Factory in Vlasim.  They were contracted by SME (Syarikat Malaysia Explosives) Ordnance Sdn Bhd, or SMEO.

We believe the "05" at the 4 o'clock position is the 2005 manufacture date.

Here is an old one that is similar to one already in the database, but with a different manufacturer.  Navy Arms made a couple of runs of both .32 Long RF and .32 Short RF in the late 1990's. It was produced for them by CBC in Brazil.

Navy Arms, (201) 945-2500, (
Old Western Scrounger, (530) 842-1250, (
Ammo-One, (207) 642-7980, (

Here is a 12 gauge primed paper "Cheddite" shotshell.  It is essentially a Fiocchi low brass clear, Cheddite Multi-Hull Paper tube (also made in Multi-Hull plastic tube).  Cheddite continues to make hulls for many ammo makers and reloaders: (

Shotshells with these headstamps have been seen on Ballistic Products Inc. bean bag shotshells and Defense Technology Corp. bean bag shotshells.  They have also been  seen it on shells from "Polywad Shotgun Shell" ( (


Igman Commerical Export .223 Remington - Konjic, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ashely Northcutt on December 07, 2010, 07:21:29 PM
rimfire "R" headstamp: Western Auto Stores and Associates, Revelation Super Range Cartridges, 22 Long Rifle Non-Fouling Hollow Point.


rimfire "U" with dot in center: Peters High Velocity 22 Long Rifle Shot, Peters Cartridge Division, Remington Arms Company, Inc. Bridgeport, Conn.


From original boxes.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: kingofcoins on January 25, 2011, 02:00:04 PM
Some new headstamps from Central Florida LEO ranges; the S&B Non-Tox showed up I'm told just this past fall....note if you reload these non_tox's had quite a few case splits on first shot.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ed Love on April 19, 2011, 06:06:02 AM
Is anyone adding HS images to the headstamp guide? There doesn't seem to be a lot of images there and this thread has a lot that aren't there. Just wondering.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Bob Shem on May 26, 2011, 04:47:08 PM
CartWinPro record #14247:
"Case made by Starline for reloading and sales to other manufacturers (seen on a TEN-X cartridge in Jan 2010)"

information courtesy of Axel Manthei
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on July 05, 2011, 07:19:02 PM
Pk Headstamp= Polish Manufacture at Pocisk, Spolka Akcyjna in Warsaw.  Seen on a 8x57mm:

1944 Musgrave Manufacturers and Distributors (Possible purchase from Dominion Cartridge Co., Canada) also from a 8x57mm:

1954 IMI 8x57mm Light Ball

1957 IMI 8x57mm Heavy Ball

1953 Yugoslavian 8x57mm

Egyptian 8x57mm

I believe this is a 1952 Chinese 8x57mm

1938 Turkish 8x57mm
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on July 05, 2011, 07:34:20 PM
While I'm on a 8x57 roll here, I figure I'll post some more.  Below, in order, are 1934, 35, 39, 40 (brass), 40 (steel), 41, and 44 German 8x57 mm cartridges:

1938 German 8x57mm packed with post war Czech Ammo:

1940 FN 8x57 AP or Tracer "Green Tip":

1955 Ecuadorian 8x57mm:
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on July 05, 2011, 07:49:43 PM
Now lets try some 30-06... 1944 DesMoines 30-06:

1951 Dominion 30-06:

1958 French 30-06:

Another 1958 French 30-06:

1957 Österreichische Jagdpatronenfabrik 30-06:

1990 Ammunitionsarsenalet (Danish) 30-06
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: J Butell on September 23, 2011, 02:50:02 PM
To expand on the French made ammo in 7.62x63mm (30-06 Springfield)

TE = Cartoucherie de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (cartridge factory in Toulouse) refers to the manufacturer

D = Société Electromécanique de Dives (Electromechanical Company in Dives, France) refers to the case provider

3 = the third quarter of production

58 = the year of production
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Ed Love on September 26, 2011, 01:43:40 PM
I will try asking this question again since it was pretty much ignorred when I asked it a few months ago. Is anyone updating the headstamp guide? There are a lot of headstamps that have not been entered going back almost 2 years, at least.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jay M. Stuart on September 26, 2011, 02:05:12 PM

Jill Errickson is in charge of the HSG now.  I will send her an email inquiry about it.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jane Whitworth on October 18, 2011, 07:44:41 PM

9mm Luger (9x19mm), TulAmmo, 115 Grain Full Metal Jacket Bullet, 50 Round Box.

Manufactured at the Tula Cartridge works in Russia.
Polymer coated steel case.
Bimetal jacket (copper over steel) will attract a magnet.
Berdan Primed
Non corrosive.
Non reloadable.
Manufacturer: Tula TA919150
Item: AMM-4700
UPC: 814950011531

Source: (   
Additional info: (
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Chris Kerr on February 17, 2012, 10:50:04 AM
Headstamp on 7.62x39mm cartridges imported into Canada recently as Chinese new production.


Caliber: 7.62x39mm
HS: 7.62x39 /// CBCC 05
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: rwalker on September 10, 2012, 03:28:34 PM
Recently observed head stamp from Federal Cartridge.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dale Justice on December 19, 2012, 12:52:10 PM
I didn't see this headstamp posted anywhere.  It certainly doesn't look to be a new one.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on April 28, 2013, 05:48:39 PM
The new polymer cased pistol ammo just released onto the market, this is the initial entry, .380 ACP.  (Other companies products in the pipeline are the MAC Ammo .50 BMG and the PCPAmmo 7.62 NATO/.308 loadings).

50 round box, 90 gr XTP, black plastic case (previously also available in pink case), MV listed a 880 fps.  Handwritten lot number inside flap 01013015.  Company based in Savannah GA

Polycase headstamp.  50 and 20 round boxes. (  illustrated are the top and bottoms of the 50 round boxes.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on May 19, 2013, 06:54:13 PM
New US military 7.62 (7.62x51, aka .308 Winchester) caliber ammunition, DoD designation Mk319 Barrier Ball, civilian designation (by Federal Cartridge Co) T762TNB1.  Open Tip Match design with more than just a plain copper jacket around a lead core, this one is basically a solid copper open tip match (with boattail base) design hollowed out for a small lead core.  Upper portion of the projectile is often torn away on impact, but the base section which is solid copper will continue penetrating as a cylindrical slug.  Designed for better intermediate barrier penetration with an ability to still penetrate tissue located behind the barrier.  NOT an armor penetrating design, intended for only light intermediate barriers, glass, wood, thin sheet metal, etc.  Note the distinctive twin, smooth, bullet cannelures on the lighter than normal 130 grain projectile.  Purple primer sealant and black case mouth sealant for waterproofing.  Brass case, brass percussion boxer (presumably non-corrosive) primer, no primer crimp, headstamp FC 10.  Civilian packaging is white cardboard 20 round boxes, with black printing.  Lot numbers vary, some the traditional DoD style:  FC 10C700-006 and some marked V37N542. 
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 28, 2013, 04:37:27 PM
Liberty Ammunition, Civil Defense, 9mm Luger, 50 grain, JHP


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on May 28, 2013, 04:40:02 PM
Liberty Ammunition, Civil Defense, 40 S&W, 60 grain, JHP


Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Dan Alessio on July 16, 2013, 01:03:36 PM
Didn't see this in the headstamp guide and it did not come up when I searched the website, so here you go.

High Precision Range, Payson, AZ
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Bryon McIntire on August 01, 2013, 10:00:42 AM
Co-Worker found this on MidwayUSA for $5/box. Then it was $9/box.... ::)   Anyways, we traded him a box for a box. 
Rampant Colt and everything via Mexico

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on October 10, 2013, 10:30:34 AM

Markings on box

ADI Munitions PTY Limited trading as
Australian Munitions
ABN 66 092 605 742

Australian Outback
P.O. Box 840
Benalla, VIC 3671 Australia
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on October 10, 2013, 10:32:43 AM

Markings on box

Barnes Bullets
P.O. Box 620
Mona, UT 84645 (
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on October 10, 2013, 10:35:09 AM

Markings on box

Dynamic Research Technologies, LLC
5925 300th Street
Albany, MO 64402

Phone: 660-564-2331
FAX: 660-564-2103
Email: (
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Richard Hitchcox on October 10, 2013, 10:36:47 AM

Markings on box

Ted Nugent Ammo

Distributed by:
American Tactical
Rochester, NY
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Rosemary Jassoy on November 12, 2013, 09:31:56 AM
When will the AFTE headstamp guide be up and running again?  Miss it.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jill Therriault on November 12, 2013, 11:07:28 AM
Not sure what's going on with the HSG.  Seems like everyone who tries logging in gets a blank white screen and nothing else.  Jay is looking into it... Stay tuned.  Meanwhile, all the photos that folks are uploading are being saved so that they can be entered into the Gallery as soon as it's back up and running.
Thanks for your patience, folks.  :)
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Rosemary Jassoy on November 12, 2013, 11:10:01 AM
Thanks for the update. I am getting a blank white screen as well and have been for a while.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on December 25, 2013, 10:47:10 AM
Hi All

Is it possible us "AFTE Friends" can have access to the headstamp guide? Seems fair as many of us have contributed to it  :-0
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jay M. Stuart on December 27, 2013, 11:30:17 AM

We have had to move the HSG to the Member's Area for the foreseeable future due to "extreme" traffic that was most likely caused by hackers/spammers.  We are working to get the issue fixed and make it available to everyone again.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Brandon Bertolli on December 27, 2013, 12:52:18 PM
Many thanks, Jay
Title: new Speer layout
Post by: kingofcoins on December 27, 2013, 04:38:17 PM
Here's an interesting new 9mm luger head, large 9x19, and the 055 10 is not a model number:
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jill Therriault on January 10, 2014, 12:36:04 PM
If I remember correctly, I think the "055" corresponds to an area in the factory or a particular machine on which the product was made.  I will check though to be sure.  Thanks for sharing the image!
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jill Therriault on January 13, 2014, 02:23:12 PM (

Re: what the numbers mean on a Speer headstamp...  I stand corrected.  013 refers to a lot number of a contract.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on January 27, 2014, 11:08:15 AM
Red Army Ammunition -marketed by Century Arms International.  These were purchased at AIM Surplus but I've seen them elsewhere too.  Available in several calibers; I've seen: 5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.62x54R, and 9mm Mak.

Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Jill Therriault on January 27, 2014, 12:15:04 PM
Quote from: Eric Warren on January 27, 2014, 11:08:15 AM
Red Army Ammunition -marketed by Century Arms International.  These were purchased at AIM Surplus but I've seen them elsewhere too.  Available in several calibers; I've seen: 5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.62x54R, and 9mm Mak.

Added to the HSG.  Thanks for sharing, Eric!
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on February 04, 2014, 08:31:59 PM
New 7.62 NATO caliber Ball ammunition, from Turkey, for the US commercial shooting market.  FMJBT, GM, non-magnetic jacket and core, knurled crimp cannelure, advertised as NATO STANAG 2310.  Brass case, brass percussion primer, green primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp MKE 13.  Packaged in 20 round white cardboard boxes.  Caliber encountered so far include 5.56 NATO, 9mm NATO, & 7.62 NATO.  Turkish production, imported in the US by ZQ1 Ammunition.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Raymond Jorz on June 09, 2014, 11:07:06 AM
This ammunition was produced by Liberty Ammunition.  It is marketed as Liberty Ammunition Civil Defense, 9mm Luger +P,  with a 50gr Nickel/copper monolithic hollow point bullet.    Although produced by Liberty Ammunition it is loaded into a RWS 9mm Luger and the headstamp does not indicate that it is a +P round.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Michael Lee on July 17, 2014, 10:06:43 AM
"FC NT" (Federal Cartridge Non-Toxic) head stamp.

"FEDERAL NT" head stamp photo is available on the site, but not the "FC NT" version.  I came across this one in a recent case, and thought I'd submit the additional picture.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Kent Weber on August 12, 2014, 10:50:15 AM
PERFECTA headstamp
Made in Italy for Tulammo (perhaps by Fiocchi?)
Photos attached of headstamp from a lab submission and box of ammo found on the Internet.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: 50M2HB on September 07, 2014, 07:14:11 PM
5.56 NATO M862 Short Range Training Ammunition (SRTA)

"Low" lethality, as opposed to "NO" lethality, intended primarily for live fire exercises against vehicles.  Plastic, short range, high drag bullet, fired from conventional small arms.  Beyond a specified distance from the muzzle, impact on tissue with the projectile would be painful, but not lethal.  (Still presents a vision hazard, however.)  To prevent confusion with conventional munitions, the weapon's bolt has a smaller case head opening, to prevent chambering a regular round, hence the special "S" in the cartridge headstamp.  Case head is smaller than conventional ammunition.  Note packaging is 30 rounds/box, instead of the more customary 20 rounds/box.
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Eric Warren on September 11, 2014, 04:33:38 PM
Liberty Silverado 55gr 223 Remington solid Copper (Nickel plated?) HP purchased from in September 2014.  For ballistic gel tests see: (

Has "MAST" headstamp... not sure where that is from... anyone know?
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Evan Thompson on September 11, 2014, 05:25:51 PM (
Title: Re: New Headstamps
Post by: Scott Doyle on September 16, 2014, 08:42:57 AM
I think this message has gotten too big for the forum.  Please start a new thread in this board.   Thanks!
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