I have a recent case involving evidence within concrete. Has anyone had a similar situation?
Any policy / procedure you lab utilizes? I would welcome some recommendations
See this thread along with the attachments from Bexar County
http://forum.afte.org/index.php?topic=12996.msg69992#msg69992 (http://forum.afte.org/index.php?topic=12996.msg69992#msg69992)
I worked a case recently with a firearm in concrete. I was able to remove the majority of concrete from the exterior of the firearm using dental picks. Slow process, but it worked. I was able to get the firearm field stripped with this method and a little help from an ultrasonic cleaner. I used a concrete dissolver (link below) to assist with removing concrete from the barrel and portions of the slide after disassembly. Did some practice with reference firearms before using the product/method on casework. Consistently had success with identifying breech face marks, less success with bullet comparisons. Concrete can be pretty abrasive, especially in a softened condition. I am in the process of writing up an AFTE article on the topic, but it is not done yet.
https://www.sakrete.com/products/concrete-dissolver (https://www.sakrete.com/products/concrete-dissolver)