Here are some ammunition boxes for inclusion the Gallery.
7.62x39 Ball ammunition packaging, Privi Partisan, reportedly for a US DoD contract to rearm the new Iraqi/Afghani forces, but containing a mixture of IK, NK, & nny headstamps dated from 1974-1994.
7.62x39 Ball ammunition, for US commercial market, from Zimbabwe Defense Industries Africa, gilding metal jacketed, lead core projectile, brass case, headstamp 97 ZI, red primer sealant, brass percussion primer, 3-stab primer crimp.
7.62x39 Ball ammunition for US commercial market, from Romania, "Hotshot" line, lacquered steel case, GMCS jacket, lead core projectile, red primer sealant covering primer, percussion primer, headstamp poorly reproduces, even under magnification: 90 SADU 7.62 (Might also be 9D SADU 7.62)
7.62x54R Ball ammunition, reportedly US DoD contract for the new Iraqi/Afghani forces, copper jacketed, lead core projectile, brass case, brass percussion primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp. Packaging & cartridge construction similar to IK production, but possibly Privi Partisan production. Headstamp JMS 02
5.56 NATO/.223 ammunition from the, now defunct, NATEC of Plattsburgh, NY, for commercial US sales. Numerous loads in this caliber, including tracer (illustrated), FMJ-ball, Hollowpoint, SoftPoint, Match, & plastic ballistic tip. Color coded polymer cased ammunition. Headstamp 223 REM PCA 04
55 gr FMJ, lead core, GM jacketed bullet, brass case, headstamp T .223 from RUAG Swiss Munition. Reportedly non-corrosive, percussion nickel primer, black primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp. Imported for the commercial US market May 2007. From white cardboard, 50-round boxes, 5-grey plastic, 10-round stripper clips per box, 4 boxes in a white plastic sealed "battle pack." Various lot numbers and dates.
.308 Winchester, 145 gr. Ball, FMJ, copper jacketed, lead core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass case, brass, percussion primer, ring primer crimp, red primer sealant, headstamp "nny 308 Win." Reportedly for US DoD contract to re-equip new Iraqi/Afghani forces from Privi Partisan. From white cardboard, 20-round boxes, black ink stencilling, packed in olive drab plastic "battle pack" of 10 boxes, with yellow stencilling "200 Cartridges .308 Winchester FMJ 145 gr Lot PPU 0702-01"
30-06 NPE cases (New Primed Empty) from Western/Olin. Apparently intended for competition loading outside the factory. Interesting to note these cases were corrosive primed indicating WW2 or earlier vintage. Nickel plated brass cases, with nickel, percussion, boxer primers, no primer sealant, no primer crimp. "Western 30-06 SPRG" headstamp. Packaged in white cardboard, 20-round, slip-top boxes, with white labels and black printing. Lot number 50CC.
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. of Murfreesboro, TN, circa 2007. .50 BMG caliber M33 Ball ammunition manufactured for them by CBC (Brazil), for the commercial US market. 661 gr FMJBT, copper-jacketed, mild-steel (not AP) core projectile, with knurled crimping cannelure. Brass case, brass percussion, non-corrosive, boxer primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp, headstamp "Barrett .50 BMG" Black, 10-round, cardboard boxes, with white printing & Barrett logo. Lot # BI0830 L-143.
Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Inc. of Murfreesboro, TN, circa 2007. Proprietary cartridge .416 Barrett, 10.5x83mm, .416/.50, for the commercial US market. The .50 BMG case necked down and cut back for a .416 caliber projectile. Bullet is a brass, monolithic solid match design. Brass case, brass percussion, non-corrosive, boxer primer, no primer sealant or primer crimp, headstamp "Barrett .416" Black, 10-round, cardboard boxes, with white printing & Barrett logo. Lot # 022707.
Dynamit Nobel AG of Germany, 7.62 NATO caliber, blue plastic, short range training round, brass case head, nickel primer, green primer sealant, ring crimp. Headstamp "DAG 7.62x51" Specifically, illustrated item is for the British L1A1 rifle and designated L14A1 for UK MoD service. From 50 round, tan cardboard box, with white label and black ink markings "50 Round, 7.62mm Training, Short Range, L14A1 For use in rifle 7.62mm L1A1 Lot No. 01 DAG-04-86 TI 1305-12-148-7829"
Igman production of Konjic Yugoslavia (Bosnia) 5.56 NATO caliber M855 Ball ammunition. Headstamp "IK 03 5.56x45" Reportedly a contract for a NATO member nation equipping for deployment to Afghanistan or Iraq. Packaged on 10-round stripper clips in white cardboard boxes, 4 boxes to an olive drab fabric bandoleer. Three boxes contain three, 10-round stipper clips/box, while the fourth box contains a single 10-round stripper clip and a stripper clip "spoon" to facilitate magazine loading. This provides 100 rounds/bandoleer. Ammunition is green-tipped, copper jacketed, lead core, with steel penetrator projectile tip, knurled bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp. Lot # 09 IK 04
Unlike the XM200 Blanks being advertised now for commercial sales, that are actually factory "seconds" of standard M200 Blanks (those that don't meet some minor aspect of military specifications), these are the original predecessor to the M200 Blank, prior to NATO adoption.
Brass case with knurled cannelure above extractor groove (for identification), brass, percussion, non-corrosive, boxer primer, red primer sealant, ring primer crimp with 7 finger case mouth rose crimp. Two different packaging, one with the red ink "Dangerous Within 20 Feet" warning (Lot #18089), and one without (Lot # 18027).
20-round, standard tan cardboard boxes with black ink markings. Twin Cities, MN production.
Oddly enough, the earlier lot (18027) has the later headstamp TW 71 vs TW 69. Also, the earlier lot has a clear case mouth sealant, as opposed to the later's white case mouth sealant. Being XM, they do not carry the NATO cross/circle headstamp symbol.
7.62x51 M-80 Ball (147 gr). GGG (Giraites Ginkluotes Gamykla) Made in Lithuania. Brass cased, Nickel, Percussion, Boxer primed (reloadable) non-corrosive, Copper Jacket, Lead Core, Knurled Crimp Cannelure, Brass Case, Red Primer Sealant, Ring Crimp. Made in 2003. 20 rounds in a tan cardboard box with black ink printing "20 7.62x51 M80 440-GGG-03". 10 boxes in an Olive Drab plastic battle pack.
7.62x39 Ball ammunition from Mainland China. Standard Chinese military issue, but repackaged by Norinco for commercial US sales prior to the Clinton importation ban and the reclassification of steel core ammunition in this caliber as "Pistol Armor Piercing," and subsequent prohibition for commercial US sales. Copper washed steel case, copper washed steel jacket, steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, FMJBT, red case mouth sealant, brass, percussion, corrosive, berdan primer, clear primer sealant, headstamp "31 92." Various 20-round packaging, these are yellow with black & red printing or silver with black & red printing. Both packages contained identical ammunition.
7.62x39 Ball ammunition for the commercial US market, manufactured by Sellier & Bellot of Czechoslovakia. Green cardboard box, black printing. 122 gr. FMJ ball bullet, gilding metal clad steel jacket, steel case, brass percussion primer. Packaging lists the primer as non-corrosive. Headstamp is "S&B 7.62x39" with the logo in two positions.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Ball M2 packaging, with the red stripe to visually indicate 'Ball' ammunition. This example is from Winchester Repeating Arms.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Ball M2 (Alternate) packaging, with the red stripe to visually indicate 'Ball' ammunition. This example is from St. Louis. Ball M2 (Alternate) indicates a projectile with a gilding-metal clad-steel projectile jacket, rather than the more typical copper jacketed bullet, a copper-conservation war measure.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Armor Piercing M2 packaging, with Blue & Orange stripes to visually indicate 'AP' ammunition. This example is from Des Moines.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Tracer M1 packaging, with Green & Yellow stripes to visually indicate 'Tracer' ammunition. This example is from Denver.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Incendiary M1 packaging, with the Red & Yellow stripes to visually indicate 'Incendiary' ammunition. This example is from Denver.
7.62 NATO caliber Blanks from Hirtenberg Patronen of Austria. L31A1 blank, brass, full-length case, rose crimp case mouth, green mouth sealant, brass, percussion primer, red primer sealant, no primer crimp, headstamp "HP 92 L31A1" Packaged 20 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white over label & black printing, purple lot number. For commercial US market, circa: 2007
Typical military style, .50 BMG caliber (12.7x99) Ball round from the former Yugoslavia, Igman of Konjic (Bosnia). Listed on the packaging as 699 grains, a Full-Metal-Jacketed design, probably boat-tail, with copper jacket, mild steel core and knurled crimp cannelure. Typical brass case, brass percussion primer, reportedly boxer and non-corrosive, red primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp, & segmented case mouth crimp. Headstamp "IK 06 .50" 10 rounds/cardboard box with red, white, black & grey markings. Small, white, paper labels with black Igman logo and "01 06" sealing each end flap. For commercial US market, circa: 2007
More boxes for the gallery.
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...some more pictures
Lake City Army Ammunition Plant production of M64 Grenade "Blanks" in 7.62 NATO caliber. Tan paper wrapping, black ink markings.
T93E2 Armor Piercing. Prototype for the US M61 AP, 7.62x51 NATO (.308) caliber. 20 rounds to a tan cardboard box. Due to its early nature, the box is actually 30-06 caliber and too long, so cardboard was inserted along the top to act as a spacer. Buff colored label with black printing. Black tip color, knurled bullet ID cannelure, smooth bullet crimp cannelure, brass percussion primer, red sealant, ring primer crimp. Headstamp LC 54
.50 BAT (Battallion Anti-Tank or Basic Artillery Trainer) caliber (12.7x77) Spotter-Tracer, M48A1. 10-round, tan box, black ink stampinig. Yellow/Red (recessed) tip, knurled bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion boxer primer (without flashtube), red primer sealant, ring crimp, 4-position (90 degree layout) headstamp "LC 68." Packaged 11 boxes per olive drab colored, M2A1 ammunition can, yellow stencilling "110 Ctgs Cal .50 Spotter Tracer M48A1 Cartons Lot LC 12577."
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Armor Piercing M2 packaging, with Blue & Orange stripes to visually indicate 'AP' ammunition. This example is from the Denver Ordnance Plant.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Armor Piercing M2 packaging, in late war boxes, tan box without label, minus colored stripes, black ink stamping and tear-away top. This example is from the Twin Cities, MN Ordnance Plant.
30-06 New Primed, Empty cases, using T53 primers. 20 round tan boxes, buff label, black printing, manufactured by Frankford Arsenal.
US manufactured WW2 vintage 30-06 Ball M2 packaging, with the red stripe to visually indicate 'Ball' ammunition. These were packaged on 5-round, brass stripper clips. This example is from Frankford Arsenal.
Pre-NATO 7.62 Ball T104E1 from Frankford Arsenal. 20-round tan box, buff colored label, black printing. Ball cartridges are brass cased, nickel percussion boxer primer, red primer sealant, headstamp FA 51.
Typical, current production, 5.56 NATO, M196 Tracer ammunition packaging. 20-round tan box, black printing. Red tip, 55 gr. bullet. From the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, MO.
Predecessor to the M72 30-06 Match round, the T291. Same Red, White, & Blue packaging with date of production stamped on label.
Final incantation of the 30-06 Frangible round (M22) for US military issue. Used in "Project Pinball" (circa WW2) where bakelite projectiles were fired from bomber gun crews, in training, against specially armored P39 Aircobra fighters, painted bright orange & rigged with lights to indicate when being hit by the break-up projectiles. Grey projectile, green/white tip color, these examples were manufactured by the Des Moines Ordnance Plant. Note that virtually 100% of the cartons of this type ammunition will be encountered opened, then resealed with a form of masking tape. Allegedly some aircraft were shot down when regular ball rounds were accidently mixed with the Frangible rounds. US Army Ordnance ordered a 100% inspection of all ammunition in inventory to ensure no ball rounds were packaged with the frangible.
Replacement for the M118 Match 7.62 NATO load (175 gr FMJ) in US service, this is the prototype, XM852, 7.62 NATO 168 gr Sierra Match King Open Tip Match Boattail. This load was eventually adopted as M852. The M852 was, itself, replaced a few years ago with the M118 LR (for Long Range), which was a 175 gr SMK OTMBT. This being an early lot (XM852), it is in left-over M118 Match packaging, which was a white cardboard 20 round box, printed with red & blue ink. The XM852 label was placed over the original package markings. Lot number indicates May 1981 production at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in Independence, MO. The letter "S" in the lot number indicates a special loading.
Standard US military issue M856 5.56 caliber, 64 grain, tracer ammunition, but composed of lots that failed to meet military acceptance specifications, due to minor, usually cosmetic, reasons. This ammunition was produced at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, operated by ATK which also owns the Federal Cartridge Company. These "factory seconds" of LCAAP were repackaged in Federal, commercial, packaging. 20 rounds to a bright red cardboard box with white & black markings. Black plastic spacer separating the cartridges inside the box. Mixed headstamps, mostly LC 03, LC 04, and LC 05 (with NATO circle + symbol). Brass cased, brass, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primer, orange tip color, black primer sealant, ring primer crimp. While designated XM856, this is, in fact, M856 ammunition that just didn't meet milspec. (The XM designation actually means a cartridge design that hasn't yet been type classified/adopted.)
5.56mm NATO caliber M193 Ball, FMJBT, gilding metal jacket, lead core bullet with knurled crimp cannelure. Brass case, brass, percussion primer, no visible primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "AP 07 5.56" from Arms Corporation (ARMSCORP) of the Phillipines. Lot imported for commercial US market, fall 2007. From white cardboard, 20 round boxes with black printing, "20 Cartridges Cal. 5.56mm Ball, M193 Lot No 5560011" Inside top flap purple ink stamped "07 072607"
12 Gauge shotshell, US DoD contract over-run, 00 Buckshot from Winchester. Olive Drab plastic body with chemically darkened brass hi wall case head, black ink stamping on body "9 Pel 00 Buck," brass primer, "Winchester 12 GA" commercial headstamp. Packed 5 rounds per tan cardboard box, with black ink stamping "5 Cartridges 12 GA Shotshell No. 00 Buckshot Lot WCC08B078-006 Olin Corporation" on front and "5 Cartridges 12 GA Shotshell No. 00 Buckshot" on one end. White label with black printing on back with bar code on opposite end "Military Grade MG Buck Q1544" Marketed by Midway USA Lot # indicates Feb 2008 production.
5.56 NATO Caliber ball, from IVI (Imperial Val Carter Industries) of Canada, now a part of General Dynamics. This is the 62 grain M855 "ball" containing a small, steel, penetrator reinforcement in the projectile tip. As Canada only uses the 62 grain M855 load in this caliber, and not the 55 grain lead core ball as well, like the US, Canada doesn't paint the bullet tip a green color to differentiate the two ball loadings. 20 rounds/brown cardboard box, black ink printing, 2 plastic stripper clips of 10 rounds each. Copper jacket, lead core, mild steel penetator, knurled crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion primer, dark purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp. Headstamp NATO symbol, IVI 85.
30-06 Caliber M25 Tracer (Alternate), from the US Frankford Arsenal, headstamp FA 50, indicating 1950 production. M25 Tracer would be an orange, rather than red tipped cartridge (M1 Tracer). Alternate indicates that this bullet is a gilding metal clad steel (GMCS) jacket rather than a copper (gilding metal) jacket. 20 round tan cardboard box, tan label, black printing. Brass case, brass percussion boxer primer.
7.62 NATO caliber Blank, probably Grenade, due to heavy wax case mouth sealant. Black case mouth sealant, rose crimp case mouth, brass case, brass percussion primer, with clear primer sealant, ring primer crimp, TZ 79 headstamp. From 20-round, tax cardboard box, with buff colored label, and Black ink printing, indicating lot # 5-79 with short string for breaking the seal and opening package. Entire package sealed in plastic for storage.
9mm Parabellum (9x19) caliber full metal jacket ball, manufactured by Smith & Wesson in Rock Creek, OH. 50 round, cardboard box, blue printing, blank ink stamped "115 gr 9mm Full Metal Case Luger S9mm5" Brass cased, nickel boxer percussion primer, green primer sealant, headstamp ".. S&W .. 9mm" Headstamp dots designate source of brass used in ammunition construction.
30-06 150 gr. FMJ-BT Ball, copper jacketed/lead core bullet. Match load, by Federal Cartridge Co for National Garand rifle championsips, US DoD Civilian Marksmanship Program. 20 round, white cardboard boxes, with black printing. 10 rounds per clear plastic belt ammunition holder. Brass case, brass percussion boxer primer, red primer sealant, no primer crimp, headstamp "FC 30-06 SPRG"
7.62x51 (7.62 NATO) caliber Ball, 2nd model, from Pakistan Ordnance Factories, model L2A2, gilding metal clad steel bullet jacket, smooth bullet crimp cannelure, brass case, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp "POF 80 L2A2" From 20 round, yellow cardboard boxes, with tan over label printed in green ink, with purple ink stampings of 1980 production date, lot number, acceptance, etc.
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber ball from Pretoria Metal Pressings S. Africa. 690 gr. FMJ-BT, copper jacket, mild steel core projectile with smooth crimp cannelure, brass case headstamped "D 02 12.7" Brass, percussion, boxer primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp, 234.7 grains ball powder. Two, 10-round, tan cardboard boxes to an olive drab battle pack. White labels with black printing "10 RD 12.7x99mm Ball 046 D 02" on both. D indicates "Denel" the parent company of PMP, 046 is the lot # and 02 is the production date of 2002. Imported for the US commercial market by Wideners of TN, May of 2008.
12.7x99 (.50 BMG) caliber Ball from South Africa, 1998 production, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), gilding metal jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass cased, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp. Reportedly part of a lot originally produced for either Columbia or Kazakhstan. M1A5 bullet. (Type 1, Ball, 5th model) Two brown, 10-round, cardboard boxes per clear plastic battle pack. Boxes have white label with black printing. Battle pack has olive drab label with yellow printing. "D" in lot number indicates Denel, the parent organization of PMP.
9x19 (9mm Luger, 9mm Parabellum) M939 Training-Practice-Tracer from FFV VINGAKER of ESKILSTUNA, SWEDEN, US DoD contract, not for pistol or SMG's but as a sub-caliber training device for the M287 target practice launcher of the M136 AT4 Anti-armor weapon. Same ballistic trajectory of M136 HEAT round to 400 M, MV 950 fps, Trace to 450 M, Max range 1600 M. Red tip, white case mouth sealant. Brass case, brass, percussion primer, white primer sealant, case head 1/2 blackened for ID, headstamp "FFV 90" Packaged in white cardboard, 50 round box, with black plastic tray carrier, black ink printing "50 rds 9mm Practice Cartridge M939 90E003-010" Lot number indicates May 1990 production.
7.62 NATO FMJBT, cupro-nickel clad steel jacket, lead core, smooth crimp cannelure from Metallwerk Elisenhütte G.m.b.H., Nassau, Lahn, Germany. Lot imported for the US commercial market, available by Midway USA, June, 2008. Brass case, brass percussion berdan primer, green primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp. Headstamp (NATO symbol) "MEN 94B0008" (Headstamp includes lot number, indicating February 1994 production.) Bullet design is AB22 whose terminal ballistic performance in tissue is unique from most other 7.62 NATO FMJBT Ball bullet designs. Rather than pitching up 90 degrees, then pitching backwards another 90 degrees and exiting backwards, AB22 pitches up 90 degrees then breaks into two parts at the cannelure, similar in performance to M193 5.56 NATO Ball. Packaged 20 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white label and black printing "AB22 20 Patrone 7.62mm DM111 Weichkern LOS MEN94B0008." Packages had been opened & resealed with thin white paper label with blue printing "MMunDp6." 10 cardboard boxes to an olive drab plastic "battle pack," with white label & same markings. Battle Packs have been opened and resealed with olive drab duct tape.
9x19 (9mm Parabellum) caliber ammunition from WW2 Germany. Tan cardboard box of 16 rounds, with two-tone blue label and black ink. PistolenPatronen 08 indicates P08 model pistol (aka "luger"). Ammunition is a dark grey lacquered steel case and corrosive, percussion, berdan primer.
7.62 NATO (7.62x51) Blank from Germany, Dynamit Nobel (DAG). Olive Drab plastic case body & "bullet," steel case head, nickel primer, no primer sealant, 3-stab crimp, "7.62x51 DAG-89-70" headstamp. "Bullet" is cross-hatched (4 slits) at the tip for breakage when fired. Packed 50 rounds to a tan cardboard box with white label and black printing. 4-segmented circle on label indicates "blank" 10 boxes to a tan cardboard sleeve with similar white label. Sleeve is sealed in clear plastic "battle pack" bag. Boxes had apparently been opened at some point and resealed with twin, thin, white strips printed in black ink "Munitionsdepot Zetel."
9mm Parabellum (9mm Luger, 9x19) caliber Simunitions from SNC/IVI. Live fire practice rounds, with paint marker, for use with specially protected troops. Various colors available, propelled by primer impulse slightly boosted by a very small powder charge. Brass case, nickel primer, no primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp IVI 9mm 02. Blue/Black/White/Red box with black plastic 50 round tray.
5.56 NATO caliber Mark 262 Match/Sniper load ("Long Range") for US Special Operations Command. 77 gr Sierra Match King Open Tip Match (NOT hollow point) copper jacketed, lead core, boat-tail. Mod 0 is without bullet crimp cannelure, Mod 1 is with cannelure. Produced exclusively by Black Hills Ammunition of South Dakota utilizing brass from other producers. Tan 20-round cardboard box with black plastic separators, black ink stamping. Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) AA53. Brass case, brass percussion boxer primer, no primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp WCC 04.
7.62 NATO (7.62x51) Plastic Practice ammunition. Projects a blue plastic bullet when fired. For short range training uses, "low-lethality," capable of being fired with vehicles down range for realistic training. The lightweight bullet falls out of the air very quickly, eliminating the need for large impact areas. The blue color is NATO standard for training or practice ammunition. Steel case head, nickel primer, no primer sealant. Headstamp is "7.62x51 DAG 96j0638" Indicating production by Dynamit Nobel A-G, Troisdorf, Germany, (previously Geco and DNG Gustav Genchow, Karlsruhe), Sept 1996 production. The lot number ("los") of the ammunition appears not only on the packaging, but on the headstamp as well as a means of trying to track responsibility for ammunition issuance. The symbol on the 50 round, tan cardboard box packaging label is a combination of NATO symbols for "Ball" and "Blank" ammunition, an interesting dichotomy, but represents the role of this ammunition as a training round that does, in a manner, expel a projectile. The blue stripe on the label confirms, visually, that the contents are for training.
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber ball ammunition from S Korea, imported for US commercial sales. PMC's "Bronze" line of ammunition is one of several classes of ammunition, Bronze being the least expensive for target practice or training. The .50 BMG Bronze was new to the market in 2008, preceeded by the 5.56 Ball caliber. Standard M33 Ball cartridge, brass cased, brass, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primer, red primer sealant, ring crimp, headstamp "PSD 08," indicating 2008 production at the PoongSan Dongrae plant in S Korea. Copper jacketed, mild steel, non-armor piercing core, full-metal jacketed boattail 660 gr projectile with knurled crmping cannelure. 10-round cardboard boxes with the standard PMC "Bronze" line graphics. Mfgr stock number 50A. Black ink stamping inside the flap Lot # 50A-0018
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber Ball, standard-issue, M33 production by Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence, MO, marketed by Federal Cartridge Co to the commercial market as part of their "Black Box" line of inexpensive target practice/training ammunition. First released in 2008, designated "XM33" to indicate non-cataloged item, intermittantly available production. Packaged in 10-round, black cardboard Federal boxes, with lot number SMQ08K404004, indicating October 2008 production. 650 gr., FMJBT, copper jacketed, mild steel, non-armor piercing core, lead base plug, knurled crimp cannelure. Brass case, headstamped LC 08, brass, non-corrosive, boxer, percussion primer, ring primer crimp and numerous colors of primer sealant (some, tradtional lacquer/transparent paint, some new, water-based/opaque).
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber, armor piercing load mfg'd by Fray Luis Beltran arsenal of San Lorenzo Argentina. Imported for the US civilian market, distributed by Discount Distributors ( ) of West Berlin, NJ, circa March 2009. Brass, percussion, berdan primed, black primer sealant, 3-stab crimp. Projectile design virtually identical to US WW2 vintage M2 AP, 695 gr, FMJBT, hardened steel core, copper jacket, smooth crimp cannelure. 216.5 gr of extruded powder. Very heavy brass casing, 915.6 gr New Primed Empty. 20 rounds/tan cardboard box with black printing and white paper label seal. 20 boxes/wooden crate. Note that an identical Ball loading exists, also in tan 20 round cardboard boxes, but the ball boxes are unmarked.
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber match grade ammunition produced by Hornady, utilizing the 750 gr. Hornady AMAX match projectile and NPE (New, Primed, Empty) brass provided by Winchester, 2008 production. WCC 08 headstamp, brass case, no case mouth crimp, brass, convex, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primer, ring primer crimip, red primer sealant. New item to the Hornady ammunition line in 2009. Black plastic, 10-round box from MTM, with red & black laser/holographic overlabel. Ballistic data on rear label. Separate white label on lid side with black printing listing lot # of 3090689. Rounds suspended in box by case neck, not by bullet tip, to maintain round quality. Note product number 8270 is correct on rear label, but incorrect on top label (8720)
Not ammunition packaging, but an interesting bullet design for reloading....
US production .338 Lapua Mag caliber AP projectile from Alliance Armament of Boonville, IN, circa Fall 2009. Solid brass, CNC-turned jacket, press fit to a 50 grain, heat-treated carbide steel core. 50 projectiles packed to a black plastic box with white label and black & green printing. Model #338MAP, 162 grains, reportedly match grade. Developed on an Armalite AR30 rifle, 1:12 twist, mfgr claims sub-1/2 MOA groups, 1.8" @ 400 yds, with MV exceeding 3600 fps. Mfgr reports 3/4" steel plate penetration @ 200 yds @ 90 degree obliquity impact. MSRP $71.50/box.
7.92 Mauser caliber 15 round tan cardboard box, typical WW2 vintage German packaging. Buff label, green diagonal stripe indicates aluminum core "practice," L'Spur indicates tracer, Gelb indicates yellow trace.
30-06 M1909 blank, US DoD contract to CBC of Brazil, for saluting blanks for color guards of veterans organizations. Brass case, 6-finger case mouth crimp, light blue or grey wax case mouth sealant, brass primer, purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp 06 CBB with lines. From tan, 20 round box, reclosable style, rather than sealed. Black printing "20 Cartridges Blank Caliber .30 M1909 CBB06D001-006 Dangerous within 20 feet" From standard M2A1 ("50 cal sized") ammo can, olive drab, with yellow stencilling of same informatino, 620 rounds/can.
The new .50 BMG caliber ammunition packaging from McMillan International of Phoenix, AZ, parent company to McMillan Stocks and McMillan Firearms. Ammunition is a new product line for them, starting 2010. Initial line is a match brass solid projectile on NPE (New Primed Empty) brass from Winchester, headstamp WCC 08. Clear plastic 10-round slip-top box mfg'd by Berry's Mfg., with black overlabel seal.
.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber M8 Armor Piercing Incendiary ammunition, loaded in the US and marketed by DS Arms of Barrington Illinois, utilizing demilled bullets and powder, but on New Primed Empty (NPE) brass from the United Arab Emirates company Adcom. Brass, percussion, primer, purple sealant, 3-stab crimp. Ammunition packaged in plain white cardboard boxes (10 or 25 rounds), with white paper labels and black printing. New product line, circa 2010.
7.62 NATO Caliber M62 Tracer, orange tip, brass case, brass percussion boxer non-corrosive primer. ring primer crimp, no visible primer sealant. 147 grain bullet with knurled crimp cannelure. From tan 20-round cardboard box with black printing. Sample is from a lot of "factory seconds" from Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, but marketed by Federal Ammunition for the commercial US market as "XM62." Original DoD intended production that failed QC acceptance standards, usually for appearances. In this example tip colors ranged from 90% to virtually missing. Circa 2010 Unlike other examples of LC headstamps in the AFTE DB, this (being 7.62) doesn't have the "dot" headstamp markings of SCAMP production. Except for box markings, might easily be confused with "stolen" miliitary inventory.
.303 WW2 Lend Lease production by Winchester for UK RAF contract. Brass percussion primer, 4-stab crimp, no primer sealant. 174 grain ball projectile, knurled bullet cannelure, brass case. From 20 round white cardboard box with white label and red printing. July 1941 production.
1956 production .303 caliber by Radway Green of UK. Copper percussion Berdan primer, ring crimp, purple primer sealant. Ball projectile, smooth bullet cannelure, brass case. From 32 round tan cardboard box with gray label and green printing. Black ink lot number rubber stamped. In this example, the Mark # in the headstmap is numeric rather than a Roman Numeral
Minuteman line of .50 BMG caliber ammunition for the commercial US shooting market, utilizing once-fired military brass and pulled surplus military projectiles, brass, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primers from CCI, no primer sealant, primer crimp removed. This example utilizes WW2-vintage M2 Armor Piercing projectiles. Mixed headstamps, this particular box contained brass originally from Japan. Distributed by the Ammunition Store of North Canton, OH. Circa July 2010. Brown cardboard box of 10 rounds with white paper label and black printing.
5.56 NATO caliber 62 grain, Open Tip Match, Mk318 Mod 0 "SOST" barrier blind round for the US Special Operations Command. Developed to improve the intermediate barrier penetration of the 5.56 caliber, more so than the standard issue M855 (green tip) round. This is the civilian packaging designated T556TNB1 by Federal. White, 20 round, cardboard, commercial box, with black printing. Lot number black ink-stamped on the back "V49 X572." Wide, smooth crimp cannelure. Brass percussion boxer primer, purple sealant, ring primer crimp. Headstamp "FC 10." Note the lack of the circle/cross NATO symbol in the headsatmp.
7.62 NATO caliber ammunition for US military snipers, now replacing the M118-LR load. Still a 175 gr Sierra Match King Projectile, but with a match grade case, a more temperature stable propellant (with reduced muzzle flash), and a match grade primer with reduced (less violent) detonation to prevent excessive disruption of the powder charge. Nickel primer, purple sealant, FC 09 headstamp. Tan cardboard box, black printing, white plastic cartridge insert. This particular lot designates May 2009 production at Federal Cartridge Co.