The application period for admission to the 2023-2024 session of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) National Firearms Examiner Academy (NFEA) is open to all qualified candidates. In addition to personal qualifications, trainees must be assigned to an established firearms section within the Federal, state and local agency laboratory. Agencies must have an experienced firearm and toolmark examiner on staff to guide and prepare their trainee with mandatory assignments and a research project prior to graduation from the program. The trainer will also be required to continue with a formal training program once the trainee completes the NFEA program.
The NFEA provides training for apprentice/entry level firearm and toolmark examiners from Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. It is important to note that the NFEA is not a certification program. The academy curriculum is composed of the fundamentals of firearms & toolmark examinations and serves as a basis for the trainee, under supervision, to develop into a qualified firearm and toolmark examiner. The application deadline for the 2023-2024 session of the NFEA is June 30, 2023, with selections made soon after. It is anticipated that the class will begin in October 2023. Please note the training schedule may be adjusted based on the receipt of funding and the completion of the current NFEA 2301 class.
Although the training is free, agencies will be responsible for covering two round trip travel expenses to Ammendale, Maryland for Phase II and Phase IV of their training.
Additional information and the application form can be found at: (
Please direct questions to:
Jodi Marsanopoli
NFEA Program Manager
202-527-5078 (
Reminder that the application is open for the upcoming NFEA class, application deadline June 30, 2023. Arnold Esposito and myself (Jodi Marsanopoli) will be at AFTE if you have any questions or please reach out to me directly – or 202-527-5078. Quote from: Jodi Marsanopoli on March 06, 2023, 01:33:07 PM
The application period for admission to the 2023-2024 session of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) National Firearms Examiner Academy (NFEA) is open to all qualified candidates. In addition to personal qualifications, trainees must be assigned to an established firearms section within the Federal, state and local agency laboratory. Agencies must have an experienced firearm and toolmark examiner on staff to guide and prepare their trainee with mandatory assignments and a research project prior to graduation from the program. The trainer will also be required to continue with a formal training program once the trainee completes the NFEA program.
The NFEA provides training for apprentice/entry level firearm and toolmark examiners from Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. It is important to note that the NFEA is not a certification program. The academy curriculum is composed of the fundamentals of firearms & toolmark examinations and serves as a basis for the trainee, under supervision, to develop into a qualified firearm and toolmark examiner. The application deadline for the 2023-2024 session of the NFEA is June 30, 2023, with selections made soon after. It is anticipated that the class will begin in October 2023. Please note the training schedule may be adjusted based on the receipt of funding and the completion of the current NFEA 2301 class.
Although the training is free, agencies will be responsible for covering two round trip travel expenses to Ammendale, Maryland for Phase II and Phase IV of their training.
Additional information and the application form can be found at: (
Please direct questions to:
Jodi Marsanopoli
NFEA Program Manager
202-527-5078 (