I am a recent graduate from a FEPAC accredited university, WVU, with a BS in Forensic and Investigative Science and seeking employment in the field of firearms/tool mark examination. I completed an internship with the Cleveland Police Department in their firearms lab, but the city does not hire civilians for the firearm examiner position so I am looking for a position elsewhere. I have applied for almost every trainee position open but so far I can not get an interview. I am willing to start at the lowest rung on the ladder as long as I can just get in to a position. If anyone can help me in trying to find a position or get into a position it would be greatly appreciated. This is a very stressful time so any advice would help. Thank you
The Houston Police Department has vacancies for two Firearm Examiner Trainees. No experience is necessary. Salary range is $37,652 - $47,552 annually.
Apply online at www.houstontx.gov. For additional information, please contact Darrell Stein at darrell.stein@cityofhouston.net.
I believe GBI also hires trainees.
The GBI is hiring a trainee right now, but the listing closes on Tuesday of next week, 6/19/07. Get your applications in because the application must BE HERE by the deadline, not just postmarked. And they frown on faxed applications.
For what its worth, the Texas Legislature just gave us 10 new Firearms positions. They will be trainee positions but the hiring probably won't start until Sept 1st and not all 10 will be hired at the same time.
I'm glad Cal threw the Texas DPS positions that were approved by the legislature out there. However, I want to clarify Cal's comment a little. The Texas DPS positions will be trainee positions with career progression. Therefore, if a trained examiner was hired it would not be at the trainee level or with trainee pay. It would be at a higher level with higher pay.
I thought I would clarify this with the hope (however faint it may be) of possibly luring a trained Firearm Examiner away from another agency.
These positions will also be in various labs around the state.
If you have no problems coming out to the "left" coast, we'll be posting soon. We had some movement recently with more expected in the future. We're not sure which position we'll hire at, a Crim I, II, or III.
I'd love to take you up on the offer but I just can't get my wife to consider Texas.