PUBLIC Forums => Training Seminars => AFTE 2008 => Topic started by: Bill Wheatley on March 08, 2008, 03:54:09 PM

Post by: Bill Wheatley on March 08, 2008, 03:54:09 PM
Dear Fellow Members,

Please be advised that due to Hawaiian State Law, raffles are considered an illegal activity.  Due to this fact an auction for all donated items will substitute the traditional AFTE raffle.  I am still working out the details on how this will be handled and I am open for any suggestions i.e. silent auction, minimum bids etc...   Again, if you have suggestions for the AFTE 2008 Banquet Auction or if you are an accomplished auctioneer ;) please contact me.

Thank You

Bill Wheatley
Title: Re: AFTE '08 AUCTION
Post by: Aaron Brudenell on March 11, 2008, 07:40:44 PM
Can't we get a boat and go 12 miles off shore?  >:D
Title: Re: AFTE '08 AUCTION
Post by: Jerryp on March 15, 2008, 09:57:49 PM
 ;D   ;D   ;D
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