PUBLIC Forums => Job Announcements => Topic started by: Tony Miller on January 13, 2009, 03:51:39 AM

Title: Employment opportunities in the UK
Post by: Tony Miller on January 13, 2009, 03:51:39 AM
UK National Ballistics Intelligence Service

The National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) has been providing comprehensive ballistic intelligence to the police forces of England and Wales and other government agencies since autumn 2008, with Scotland and Northern Ireland due to come on line in 2009.

The service was set up provide a complete local, regional and national picture of gun crime by capturing all potential ballistic and other intelligence. This intelligence is then made available to the above agencies via a confidential IT system, the NABIS Database.

Critical to the provision of the service are three forensic hubs whose role is to examine recovered ballistic items and establish all potential intelligence links. This is done both by manual microscopic searches and by using the latest automated 3-D Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS)

NABIS is currently looking to employ additional firearms experts to work at the forensic hubs, based in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

It is essential that successful candidates will have a proven track record as a firearms examiner and have given expert testimony in court. Ideally, they will also have experience of using IBIS systems.

If you are interested in joining one of our highly motivated teams and being part of the future of forensic ballistics intelligence in the UK, then please get in touch with us. Information packs are available by contacting If you wish to have an informal discussion on the roles and opportunities within NABIS, please contact the Lead Scientist, Martin Parker on +44 (0)7795 451871.

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