I came across this case today. Neck is crimped for blank round. Headstamp has MAL 5.56 3-'83 but the only info I have found which closely approximates this case is he 5.7 x 28. Same thing? Thanks
This is a 5.56mm Military blank made by
Syariakai Malaysia Explosives Ltd., Batu-Arang, Malaysia.
It is shorter as it is blank used for training.
THis is a 9x19 Parabellum Blank made by reforming a MAL 5,56 case and trimming before filling and crimping. Probably Movie Blank origin.
A very common method of making Movie-use 9mm Pistol and SMG blanks.
It may have also been done in Malaysia, by SMOE, but unlikely ( they make New 9mm Blanks, to proper 9mm Specs...Blanks made from .223/5,56 cases are about 0.010 " undersized at the head and rim, compared to new, factory made 9mm Blanks.
Doc AV
AV Ballistics Forensic Services
AV Ballistics Film Ordnance Services
Brisbane Australia
Many Thanks DOC!