Was at the range in Henderson at a Workshop and found the attached cartridge case. Haven't seen the headstamp myself . . . gave it to Axel . . . not in CartWinPro . . . and not in the AFTE Headstamp Gallery.
Any Ideas?
I tried to find but no luck so far...
Even top 9 mm Luger collectors haven been looking for it since a while.
>:( >:(
Did a Google search for "SNEX 9" and the following website was listed.
ButterbreaD~CassYsnex, http://geocities.com/ryanconner75/isoimageverbinden.html (http://geocities.com/ryanconner75/isoimageverbinden.html) Iso Image Verbinden ..... 920, http://fressmesh.cn/israeli9mmammo.html (http://fressmesh.cn/israeli9mmammo.html) Israeli 9mm Ammo ...
Our server blocked any viewing so what it contains is questionable. But I did see in the header "Israeli 9mm Ammo"
Old un-ID'ed headstamp never go away. Maj. Gen. Lew Curtis USAFR advised:
"This headstamp has shown up on some quantity of fired cases in the US. It has also shown up in Switzerland in commercial Fiocchi boxes. A friend with good GFL contacts tells me that this was a Fiocchi contract for Morocco. There appears to have been significant over production or rejected production since ammunition is being sold in quantity in Europe and reportedly 100,000 or so rounds were imported into the US. The headstamp has also shown up on 7.65mm Browning."
I'm sure it will be showing up again. It can be found in CENTERFIRE HEADSTAMP GUIDE CD Rom. George Kass
Wow :-\