San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory
Job Title: Firearms Examiner / Criminalist II
Qualifications / Responsibilities:
The San Mateo County Sheriff's Forensic Laboratory located in San Mateo, California has an immediate opening for a Firearms Examiner. It is desired that the successful candidate will have a minimum of three years experience as a Firearms Examiner and be able to perform routine and more difficult case assignments, both in the Laboratory and in the field, if called upon. The ideal candidate will be dedicated to staying abreast of changes within the discipline as well as providing sound technical advice and be capable of training individuals should the need arise. The candidate will be one who fosters an environment of teamwork and cooperation. Applicants who are active participants in the Association of Firearms and Tool Marks (AFTE) and who have pursued or are in the process of pursuing AFTE certification as a firearms examiner are strongly desired.
This position will be responsible for ensuring proper quality assurance and quality control measures relevant to firearms. This includes documentation, instrument calibration and maintenance logs; reviewing relevant casework; maintaining the NIBIN database; continuous evaluation of methods employed including an annual review of the Standard Operating Procedures and proposing new and/or modified analytical procedures to be used by the analysts.
How to Apply:
Letters of interest and resumes will NOT be accepted in lieu of completing the required application and supplemental materials. Apply online at or call (650) 363-4343 M-Th, 7am –7pm PST for application materials.
Application Deadline:
November 15, 2004
Annual Salary:
$71,926.40 - $89,918.40 annually
Contact Name:
Cynthia Maltez
455 County Center, First Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: (650) 363-4343
FAX: (650) 363-4219