Just though it might want to be pointed out that the count down clock for the AFTE 2011 up in the right corner when clicked on takes you to the AFTE 2010 webpage instead of the 2011 one.
. . . a rift in the space/time continuum.
I certainly won't complain if I click on it and it beams me back to Green Valley Ranch for a few days.... :-00
But...but...you're in Tropical MIAMI!!!! Ohhh...to live and work there! LOL
Quote from: Jill Errickson on January 25, 2011, 09:33:08 PM
I certainly won't complain if I click on it and it beams me back to Green Valley Ranch for a few days.... :-00
I had too much fun at the Miami meeting the year before--what link to I click to get another one of those Mojitos?
Unfortunately I didn't get to make it to this last year's meeting. Miami was fun tho. Shouldn't be in Afghanistan this year, so I hope to make it.