Can anyone help identify this headstamp?
Thank you,
I found diagram that shows the origin of Israel, Arsenal de Tel-Aviv.
Axel's CartWinPro makes it to be from IMI (Israel Military Industries). The "75" refers to the year of manufacture. The other characters are code for the manufacturer.
The manufactured this for 9x19, 7.62x51, and blanks
This head stamp distinguish between ammunition made for military use and civilian use.
The manufacturer is, as writen above, IMI - Israel Military Industry and the meanning of the letters is as follows:
ת - Is the first letter of the Hebrew word for Manufactured
צ - Is the first letter of the Hebrew word for Military
The number is the year of production 1975.
Ammunition for the private market is marked: IMI 9X19 etc.
If this is a 7.62X51 mm ammunition, it is for use in light machine guns, sniper rifles etc.