We just added 2 additional workshop opportunities for Friday, June 29th. Check them out:
http://www.afte.org/TrainingSeminar/AFTE2012/announcements/workshops.htm (http://www.afte.org/TrainingSeminar/AFTE2012/announcements/workshops.htm)
The Cutting Edge in AFTE Tours
Time: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Three knife manufacturing facilities will be toured. Ontario Knife Company/Queen Cutlery Company, Ka-Bar Knives/Cutco Cutlery, and W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company factories are located within 30 miles of each other and about 1 ½ hours from the Buffalo Hyatt hotel. Attendees will be able to observe contrasting manufacturing methods and materials as they relate to target markets. Lunch will be provided.
Smith and Wesson M&P Pistol
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
This lecture based workshop will review distinguishing marks in the slide assembly, trigger assembly, frame assembly and internal parts to make a possible age dermintion to the age range of the M&P pistols. The instructor will also review the dissassembly of the entire pistol and the various features available on the M&P pistol to help determine what channel the gun came from: LE versus commerical
Still several more in the works that should be posted soon!