In response to the Aurora, Colorado killing, I was approached by an American reporter who lives in Israel but writes for the American media.
He asked me about the ratio between licensed and unlicensed guns in Israel, about the procedures one have to go through in order to have a gun license and so on.
Like many other reports, he finally used only two quotes from our one hour talk! After reading his article, I got the idea of writing a serious paper on the differences between Israeli laws and procedures and those in the US.
I know there are differences between the states and I don't expect to cover them all, what I hope for is to bring to the knowledge of decision makers in the states that there is other solution to gun control and not only gun ban.
So, if there is someone (or even more then one) who likes to join with me in writing a joint paper on the subject, I will love if you contact me.
I enclose a link to the article: (
I wish I had time to help you. This would make for a very interesting article.
Hi Jennifer,
It would'nt take much time. All I need is you'll write to me what are the requirments for getting gun license in your state.
When you say gun license, do you mean license to carry one concealed on your person, or license to own a gun?
You have 50 individual states with laws, plus the federal laws.
I'm in Arkansas and we don't have a licensing requirement to own a firearm. The federal laws apply, like you cannot be convicted of a felony. And Arkansas law also says if you are convicted of a misdemeanor domestic violence offence you can no longer own a firearm. You have to have a concealed carry license in order to carry your loaded handgun and that handgun must be concealed from view while you are carrying it. In order to get your concealed carry license, you have to pass a background check and take a class that familiarizes you with firearm laws and requires you to shoot a target from five or so feet away.
This might be a good place to start for state laws (I can't guarentee all laws are listed here): (
And for federal laws: (
Quote from: Cole on July 27, 2012, 01:32:20 PM
When you say gun license, do you mean license to carry one concealed on your person, or license to own a gun?
Hi Cole,
This is exactly why I want to write a paper for. In Israel you can carry a licensed gun any way you want, conceled or not conceled. This is one of the differences between us and the different states in the US.
And no, I am not going to analyze all 50 states just some of them especially to show the differences you have in one federal country (the US).
I'm not sure I understand, if this paper is successful in demonstrating the differences in Israel and the various sections of the US,
1) what will that show?
2) how is that related to Aurora?
3) will it change the way the US media takes our quotes out of context ?
Quote from: Jerry Petillo on July 30, 2012, 05:17:33 PM
I'm not sure I understand, if this paper is successful in demonstrating the differences in Israel and the various sections of the US,
1) what will that show?
2) how is that related to Aurora?
3) will it change the way the US media takes our quotes out of context ?
Hi Jerry,
I guess you will have to wait untill the paper is done to have answers for the first two questions.
As for the third question, it depends on the reporters and not on the facts. We have the same problem in Israel, it dose'nt means we will stop trying to state our opinion.
Looking forward to reading your paper
The work is allmost done, thanks to Aaron Brudenell, my co-author.
Now some finishing and publication.
Will you be including any crime stats in this paper? Because I was born and raised in Chicago (extremely high murder rate / lots of gun restrictions) and now live in Arizona (I'm sure Aaron covered our laws), I would be interested to see how that corresponds (murder rate to gun restrictions). I would be willing to participate in that area.
Hi Lisa,
The main issue discused in our article was the influance of gun banning, or strict gun control, on the numbers and possibilty of mass casualty incidents. We did not at the whole crime map.
From statistics I learned about England & Australia, where guns were taken from the public, I can tell you that the rate of crimes involving guns is rising in both of them.
It is my feeling that the same happens in Israel, but over here the police don't report this kind of crimes seperatly, so I don't have any numbers to look at.
After our paper will be published, maybe you'll take the subject forward and write about crime rate in general.
After much work, here is a link to the joint paper by Aaron Brudenell and myself. We would love to hear your insights about it. (
Great article!!! This article is really applicable in light of the current situation post Newtown CT.
Thank you Jerry for the compliment. An amazing thing happened with this article, we could not find a magazine that would publish all of its 11 pages but in the mean time it got circulated on the web and many people refere to it and quote it.
The funny thing is that they are quoting me quoting Robert Heinlein.....
I sent it out this morning to a number of people on Twitter
Thank you, Aaron realy liked your compliment
Interesting read :)
Although I'm curious how the individuals who are pro gun-control will react to the Israel v. US comparison since I sometimes feel the vast majority of individuals have a very different idea Israel than what it is actually like. My father worked for Intel for about 2 years in Israel and we went to visit him. The shock from people that I would visit such a "dangerous" place was, well, shocking! I feel like most people have an image that the entire country is like the Gaza Strip.
Hopefully the stance isn't taken that Israel is so rough and tumble that of COURSE gun control doesn't work....
The best solution (in my opinion) for both Israel and the USA is as follows:
1. A legal right to bear arm and the right to use it for self defense.
2. A clean bill of health, physically and menthaly.
3. A clearence from the police or any other law enforcement agency.
4. Demand for a certain level of trainning and being able to pass a test of that level.
5. Safe guarding all weapons, to prevent theft and accidents.
What do you think about it?
I think that is a complete and concise list of requirements.
# 3 i guess pertains to criminal records check?
About #3 the answer is yes.
About the rest, I know you have a complicated situation in the US.
When your goverment wants to take your guns from you, denying your right by the 2nd amendment, you fill like it is the first step of "attack" againt your all constitutional rights.
On the other hand, you must find a way to prevent menthaly unstable people from getting guns so easy.
Even in Israel, most mass victims shootings were done by menthaly sick people or unstable ones.
I stumbled on this thread while searching for another.
In just ten years, the US' "shall-carry" environment has changed dramatically!
Now where do I find the proper location for suggesting a new paper?
(Involving 40S&W).