The sub-class workshop is now full and we are accepting names for a waitlist. Go here to be added: (
There is only 1 spot remaining in the Ruger LCP class! Get it before it's gone!!
The Ruger LCP workshop is now fulland we are accepting names for a waitlist. Go here to be added: (
AFTE 2013
A new workshop has been added:
- Hi-Point Familiarization/Armorer Course
AFTE 2013
A new workshop has been added:
- ASCLD/LAB Level 100 Measurement Confidence Course (Combined A, B & C)
AFTE 2013
A new workshop has been added:
- Wound Ballistics for Firearm Examiners
There is only 1 spot left in the Barrel-Making Workshop. Get it before it is gone!!!
AFTE 2013
Two new workshops have been added:
- The IBIS Confirmation Station
- Double Casting Firearm Evidence
We have added the following workshop:
SWGGUN - Admissibility Training
There is only one spot left in the Wound Ballistics workshop. Get it before it disappears!!
There are only 3 spots left in the Courtroom Testimony workshop!
We have added the following workshops:
Elysium Arms Tour (Manufacturers of after-market barrels)
There are two spots left in the courtroom testimony workshop. Get them before they are gone!
We have added the final workshop for AFTE 2013.
Head to the Workshops page to find further information on:
The Science Behind Firearm Individualization
Ok...really. We have added our final workshop.
Head over the the workshops ( page to find further info on:
Microscopy Databases