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ATF Serial Number Restoration Course at Metro Detroit-Michigan State Police Lab

Started by Jodi Marsanopoli, January 17, 2025, 11:07:08 AM

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Jodi Marsanopoli

ATF will be a hosting a 3-day Serial Number Restoration Course at the Metropolitan Detroit - Michigan State Police Forensic Laboratory on Tuesday, January 28 - Thursday, January 30. The 3-day course includes classroom instruction covering theory, history, equipment and application methods and hands-on laboratory practical exercises performing the restorations of obliterated serial numbers utilizing magnetic particle inspection, chemical etching and electrolytic method using firearms. Attendees must currently be working in the position of Firearms/Toolmark Examiner or Trainee in a Forensic Laboratory or provide documentation verifying they perform or will perform restoration for their department.

There is no cost for the training; however, attendees are responsible for their own travel, lodging and incidental expenses. Firearms will be provided by Michigan State Police.

There are 3 spots available. Anyone interested in attending the training, please email

Jodi Marsanopoli
NFEA and SNR Program Manager

Serial Number Restoration Training (Course ID FRMS-CS-0022) | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

Jodi Marsanopoli