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Firearm Training Shorts

Started by Ron Nichols, February 11, 2025, 04:20:56 PM

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Ron Nichols

Inspired by some of my grandson's favorite Pixar shows, Pixar Shorts, I am in the process of doing some Firearm Training Shorts that will be free on our new learning platform. The first is Shifting the Paradigm which has been migrated from the old training platform. The new one, uploaded yesterday is "Certainty of Identification - Bringing meaning to that "practical impossibility."[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)][font=var(--artdeco-reset-typography-font-family-sans)]In this training short we will begin by sharing some of the court limitations that have been placed on certainty because this provides us with the practical context for our discussion. We will then discuss the difference between certainty and potential error of the method because there is a subtle but important difference. We will then explore the likelihood issue as discussed in the AFTE Theory of Identification from a theoretical standpoint as well as present a few examples of studies that can be used to help defend that remote likelihood as discussed in the AFTE Theory. From that we will see how some of the restrictions on testimony simply are not reasonable given the research that has been done.

I will be adding more over the coming weeks to include discussions of inconclusive results, critical review of error rate studies, and reproducibility/repeatability in the discipline. If you have other recommendations for Training Shorts (15 minute or less discussion of various topics), let me know!

Other training is being developed and ready to post soon including Non-Firearm Toolmark Examinations and Identification.

For a link to the Certainty of Identification lecture, here it is!

Ron Nichols
Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
Nichols Forensic Science Consulting
Antioch, CA

Jennifer Floyd

Jennifer Floyd
Arkansas State Crime Laboratory


I certainly agree with this material. thanks Mr. Ron

David Murphy

David Murphy

Stacey Phetteplace

I love this idea!
As you are changing platforms, do we need to create a new account?

EDIT - I discovered that yes, you will need to create a new account.
Peace is not the absence of war. It is the presence of justice, law, and order. - Albert Einstein.

Richard Amberger

Thanks for the information (shorts), much appreciated!
Richard W. Amberger
Indianapolis-Marion County Forensic Services Agency
(317) 327-3675

Jill Dupre

Just finished listening to my first short!  This is great and thank you again Ron!  Looking forward to another one :clap:

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