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Shooting Incident Reconstruction Course - Indiana in April

Started by Michael Haag, February 04, 2025, 01:53:55 PM

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Michael Haag

Forensic Science Consultants and Michael Haag are announcing a Shooting Incident Reconstruction (SIR) class.  It is scheduled for five (5) days: 
April 21-25, 2025
The course will be hosted by the South Bend Indiana PD Crime Lab. 
Please email for the flyer and a syllabus for this five (5) day/40-hour course. 
You will also be sent a registration form.  Submission of this registration form will secure your seat(s) and commits you to payment.[/size]
[/size]Please be aware that from the 30-day mark before class, there are no refunds as most government agencies are not able to push paperwork through to fill these few spots on such short notice.  These classes fill quicklyIf you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Contact information:
+1 505 401-6225
email:  [/email]
Linked In:[/url]
(505) 401-6225

Michael Haag


Forensic Science Consultants and Michael Haag are announcing a Shooting Incident Reconstruction (SIR) class.  It is scheduled for five (5) days:
April 21-25, 2025
The course will be hosted by the South Bend Indiana PD Crime Lab.
Please email for the flyer and a syllabus for this five (5) day/40-hour course.
You will also be sent a registration form.  Submission of this registration form will secure your seat(s) and commits you to payment.
Please be aware that from the 30-day mark before class, there are no refunds as most government agencies are not able to push paperwork through to fill these few spots on such short notice. 

These classes fill quickly
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Contact information:
cell/text:       +1 505 401-6225
web:             www.forensicfirearms.comFacebook:
Linked In:
(505) 401-6225

Michael Haag
(505) 401-6225