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Springfield XDs-9 3.3 elliptical firing pin

Started by Laura Lightstone, March 04, 2015, 09:13:47 AM

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Laura Lightstone

Wondering if anyone else has come across the Springfield XDs-9 3.3 pistol with elliptical firing pin?  The firing pin and breech face impressions are almost identical to Glock's. Other than Glock, until now I and my colleagues were only aware of the pre-lawsuit S&W Sigma pistols using the elliptical firing pin.  The ejector on this firearm is located at 7:00 and is not angled in like the Glock's; subsequently the ejector mark is located at ~7:00 near the rim of the headstamp (with drag at 12:00).  Keep in mind the implications for NIBIN.  When entering and evaluating, the "Glock" category of firing pin shapes now encompasses at least three makes of firearms.

I've attached photos of the firearm's breechface/firing pin aperture and a fired cartridge case. 


Evan Thompson

Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Laura Lightstone

Hi Evan,

I'm getting an error message when I click on the links. Any other way to post the info?  Thanks.

Evan Thompson

Sorry to read that Laura, they work on my end, but the following is a copy and paste from FTI.

And the resolution as determined this summer by FTI:

Hello all,

The uniqueness of the firing pin design in Springfield Armory's XDS pistol has been the subject of much discussion lately.  Especially in regards to how the firing pin shape should be classified when creating cartridge case exhibits in IBIS.  The message bellow clarifies Forensic Technology's position regarding this particular firing pin and also provides our reasoning behind our decision.
  Forensic Technology's position on XDS cartridge case exhibits is that they should be entered as Firing Pin Shape: Rectangle.

The reasons for this are as follows:

·         Despite a similarly elliptical firing pin impression XDS cartridge cases are easily distinguishable from Glocks by the following traits:

o   No "Glock Type" rectangular flow-back on the surface of the breech face.

o   The XDS has a massive drag mark due to the width of the elliptical firing pin.

o   With their drag marks aligned, the XDS firing pin impression is 90 degrees different than that of a Glock's.

·         Within the Rectangle Firing Pin Shape family the thin, elliptical FP impression of the XDS will stand out easily to both the IBIS correlation algorithm and the user's eyes as completely different than all the other "SWD-Type" Rectangular entries.  This means that even though they're in the same family they should appear at the opposite ends of the spectrum when correlation results are reviewed.

·         If you were to group them with the Glock Firing Pin Shape your breech face scores should be different enough but, because the FP correlation is rotationally invariant, and because both XDS and Glock FPs are similarly elliptical, you will ultimately end up with constant false positives within every FP correlation amongst Glock exhibits.

For these reasons we feel that Firing Pin Shape: Rectangle is the most viable overall option.

We also currently have our R&D Group working with sample sets of XDS exhibits in order to determine what the optimal red firing pin ring placement should be for both the breech face and firing pin impressions.  When a conclusion has been reached Forensic Technology will release an acquisition protocol specific for XDS acquisitions.  In the meantime, the red firing pin ring should be placed in a manner similar to Glocks, where the circle touches the four edges of the elliptical impression for both the Breech Face and Firing Pin acquisitions.

It is also strongly recommended that you flag cases that include XDS exhibits by entering 'XDS' in the High Profile case data field.  Doing so will allow you to quickly identify and revisit these cases and exhibits in order to modify the red ring position once the above-mentioned ring placement protocol has been established.

In regards to the exhibit's orientation during acquisition, it should absolutely follow the standard protocols of: 

·         Drag mark towards 3 o'clock

·         Ejector mark in the Northern Hemisphere

·         Extractor mark in the Southern Hemisphere

·         Parallel lines horizontal

The side-lit XDS image above shows the optimal orientation for breech face and firing pin acquisitions.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Forensic Technology's Global Customer Service.  This will allow us to manage all enquiries uniformly and ensure we keep everyone on the same page.

All the best,



    Andrew Boyle
Tel. Office  +1.514.485.5618
Tel. Mobile +1.514.770.1917
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray

Laura Lightstone

Thanks, Evan.  I actually do have that particular article, but I want to distinguish between the firing pin in this article and the one that I have posted about.  The referenced article below is relating to the .45 caliber model XDS-45ACP 3.3, whereas the firearm that I posted about is the 9mm caliber XDS-9 3.3.  The .45 caliber firing pin impression is the one that would be acquired as a rectangular firing pin shape.  The 9mm firing pin impression actually looks exactly like a Glock, with the horizontal elliptical impression (drag at 3:00) and it does have the flow-back/shear like the Glock.  Per my conversation with Jan of FTI, this one would be acquired as "Glock" firing pin shape.

I was just wondering if anyone was aware of this particular make/model having the same type of firing pin impression that was previously only attributed to Glock and Sigma pistols. I've included two photos that show the difference between the .45 (first pic) & 9mm caliber pistols


Laura Lightstone

Jennifer Floyd


Here is an updated graphic from FTI in regards to both the 9s and the 45s.
Jennifer Floyd
Arkansas State Crime Laboratory

Laura Lightstone

I had a request to share a photo of the entire headstamp area of the cartridge case.  Here are two images of the same case: one with drag at 3:00 and one at 12:00. 
