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Looking for old IWBA Journal article

Started by Michael Kusluski, January 06, 2016, 07:59:52 AM

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Well it looks like google has blocked it and you can only open it if you have Windows 8 or newer.

Could someone rework them so Windows 7 can still be used?


The link above is no longer good because it was done on a Windows 7 computer and it now takes Windows 10 to open it.   I am not computer savvy enough to convert it so it can be used on a Windows 7 machine.

Eric Warren

Hi Mark,

I am not sure what the issue is that you are running into for accessing the Google drive, but it is browser based so your operating system will have no impact on the ability to access the files. I am currently accessing it on a Windows 7 machine without any problems.

For people unfamiliar with this resource, see this post:

Briefly, go to and enter in the username and password for the AFTE account. Inside, there will be a folder entitled "IWBA Wound Ballistics Review" that contains all of the scans.

Robert Thompson

/Robert T.


Hot dog now we are cooking.  I was able to open that on windows 7.  Many thanks