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2018 Midwest Training Seminar

Started by Stacey Hartman, July 13, 2018, 10:28:54 AM

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Stacey Hartman

Midwest Firearms Training Seminar will be held on October 24 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The seminar will follow a similar agenda to other area training seminars with examiners volunteering to present on various topics, including, but not limited to: interesting cases, new technology or methodology, changing legislation and research projects/validation studies. Presentation times can vary from 15-60 minutes.

This will be the first year for this seminar and hopefully it will turn into an annual event with rotating locations within the Midwest. This seminar only succeeds if we have examiners that not only want to attend, but also want to contribute a presentation.

There will be no cost to attend. Lunch options will be provided at the expense of the attendee. 

Agenda will be established once presentations are submitted. Exact location in Indianapolis is pending based number of attendees, but several locations have been reserved.

To submit a presentation topic, reserve your spot or for more information: please contact

Stacey Hartman

Midwest Firearm Training Seminar
October 24, 2018

Indiana State Police Museum
8660 East 21st Street
Indianapolis, Indiana

Start Time: 9am
End Time: TBD

Hotel Options:
Delta Marriot – Government Rate Available for $119/night

Marriot East – No Government Rate Available - $189/night

Several topics have been secured covering areas on PCAST, NIBIN, OSAC Update, subclass, GRC database and casework examples. More presentations are needed to make this seminar a success.

Please considering attending and presenting.

RSVP or topic submission:

Stacey Hartman

Attached is the flyer for the seminar.

Stacey Hartman

Good news for those ABC certified.

Mitzi Templeton has gone through channels and was able to get the seminar approved for 1.5 points.  :clap:

We are also still looking for presentations, especially those short presentations on casework.

Hope to see you there!

Stacey Hartman

Here is the agenda for the seminar.

There are still spots available if you can attend please RSVP to

Stacey Hartman

The Inaugural Seminar was a success!  :clap:

63 registered participants, representing five states, and 14 presenters.

If you couldn't make it this year, no worries, I am confident this will happen again in 2019.

State to host TBD.