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Author Topic: ISU Study  (Read 8693 times)

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Offline Vic Murillo

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ISU Study
« on: May 17, 2018, 01:25:30 PM »
ISU is looking for a several volunteers for a new study.  Posting this for ISU.  Their contact information is below. Stephanie from ISU will be at the AFTE meeting next month also, if you have questions.

 Scientists from Iowa State University invite you to participate in a federally funded research study that aims to quantify the validity of cartridge case comparisons under realistic, field-based conditions.  You are eligible to participate if you are trained to perform forensic tests of fired cartridge cases, currently conduct such examinations for employment, and are 18 years old or older. Your participation will help to establish the validity and probative value of cartridge case comparisons, thereby strengthening the field of forensic science. 

If you participate, you will be asked to examine 16 sets of cartridge cases that will be mailed to you in two separate shipments, separated by approximately 1.5 months.  Each shipment will include eight sets of comparisons for examination.  Based on estimates from state laboratory criminalists, approximately 3 hours will be required to evaluate all 16 comparisons, or 1 – 2  hours for each shipment of eight comparisons.

If you wish to participate in this study, please sign up during the AFTE 2018 conference, or contact the Principle Investigator by email or telephone: Dr. Stephanie Madon, Principle Investigator;;  Office: 515-294-2932. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE VISIT:


Stephanie Madon
[/color]Professor of Psychology
[/color]W112 Lagomarcino Hall
[/color]901 Stange Road
[/color]Iowa State University
[/color]Ames, IA  50011-1041
Vic Murillo, Iowa Crime Lab


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