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Firearm & Toolmark Examiner; Texas DPS Austin

Started by Stacey Phetteplace, November 26, 2019, 02:43:53 PM

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Stacey Phetteplace

Texas Department of Public Safety; Austin Regional Lab

Closing date is December 11, 2019. Open to entry level (trainees) and experienced examiners, who will be hired at a level commensurate with experience level.
Forensic Scientist I:
Performs (entry-level) independent laboratory tests, analyses, classifications, comparisons and identifications of all types of physical evidence from crime scenes with emphasis and specific recognized expertise in an option or specialty area identified above.  Work involves interpreting analytical and instrumental results, and preparing written opinion reports.  May perform crime scene investigations.  Testifies as an expert witness in court as to results of analyses.  Works under close supervision, with minimal latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment. State of Texas Benefits and Retirement Information:
More experienced levels are detailed in the link.
Peace is not the absence of war. It is the presence of justice, law, and order. - Albert Einstein.