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Unknown headstamps need ID'd for gallery

Started by Chris Monturo, November 15, 2005, 10:44:10 AM

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Chris Monturo

I''m assuming it's Egyptian because it looks very similar to Scotts.  However, verification is needed for the gallery.
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Chris Monturo

The box this one is in appears to be Egyptian as well, but i can't read it so i can 't say who made it.

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Charles Clow

Unknown #1 Egyptian

Charles Clow

Unknown #2 Yugoslavian.

My source for both of these unknowns is a cartridge collectors program produced by Curtis Streinhauer (www.


Charles Clow

Chris Monturo

The rules clearly state that submitting headstamps gets you an entry.

good try.  :D
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Charles Clow

Axel Manthei

Dear friends and colleagues,

the 11 headstamp is definitely Prvi Partisan/ former Yugoslavia. We have this variation with the year codes between 1951 to 1955 in our databases. I have recently seen it on 8 x 57 IS cartridges.

The Egyptian headstamp is from Shoubra factory. Usually in Russian calibers and 9 Luger.

You can find these headstamps plus currently about 6.400 more in our headstamp database.  It took me about 7 seconds to find the above mentioned headstamps.
We also have ~1750 color codes, ~1600 manufacturer, ~1.100 calibers + 4.000 synonyms for them and ~3.400 complete cartridges in our databases.
For more details see

Best regards

Axel Manthei

Charles Clow

Nothing like a good ol' headstamp mystery to bring out the CartWinPro team!  O0

Chris Monturo

Charles, your #1 reference looks different than my posted one.  notice the extra group of characters you have.
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Charles Clow

Yeah, I saw that but most of the characters were the same.  Probably a different caliber or something.  But our friend at CartWinPro doublely confirmed that it was Egyptian.


Axel Manthei

From our files the number 27 (lower right group) at 4 o'clock indicates the factory Shoubra.

The 12 o'clock group indicates state propery and the lower right group at 8 o'clock reads as 79 and is the year 1979 of manufacturing.

Shoubra used also different arrangements for their headstamps.

Best regards

Axel Manthei
CartWinPro - Team

George Kass

The actual name of the facilities was SHOUBRA COMPANY FOR ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES in Shoubra, Egypt. This headstamp is identified on my headstamp CD.

George Kass
George Kass