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Author Topic: Firearms examiner required to review Masters Thesis - Murdoch University -  (Read 9510 times)

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Offline Steven Pavlovich

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Hello to all,

I am completing a Research Masters with Training at Murdoch university in Perth, Western Australia.


As part of this process an independent and external examiner is needed to review and comment on the work.
  • The thesis is forwarded to an examiner in confidence.  An examiner is under an obligation to maintain confidentiality and in no circumstance should the thesis or any part of the examination process be discussed with a third party without prior approval of the Graduate Research Office.
  • Students and supervisors are not permitted to contact examiners directly while under examination, unless requested by Graduate Research Office.
Examiners assessment: The examiner is required to provide a written report on specific aspects of the thesis and an overall recommendation.
To satisfy the requirements of the degree, the thesis must be a significant contribution to knowledge and understanding of the field concerned.
An examiner may request that the University obtains from the student clarification of specific points in the thesis.


Organised crime syndicates, terrorist  groups and individuals trafficking in ?firearms and firearm parts only? will become a regular occurrence on the Australian scene as the supply of firearms available from the ?grey? market (firearms not handed in during the Government buyback i.e. prior to the National Firearms Agreement 1996), inevitably reduce. World levels of firearm development, manufacturing, and the sheer marketing force of firearms manufacturers via books, magazines and especially internet media has never been seen or experienced before. The modular construction of modern self-loading pistols and the availability of generic parts for many popular handguns and rifles have enabled the manufacture of firearms comprised entirely of aftermarket components. Forensic intelligence as it applies to illicit firearms is the reconstruction of forensic information into useful and timely intelligence data by the systematic application of observation, recording and producability  techniques. Procedures have been carefully created by forensic administrators in good faith to allow the effective flow of expert forensic opinion for the benefit of the courts and of the prosecution but are written in a format which is often technically complex and difficult for the lay person to understand.  Unfortunately, these current forensic processes apply outdated methodology to the examination and reporting of illicit firearms, and will continue to compromise and undermine intelligence data by providing no robust intelligence product to the investigator, or the analyst (Bruenisholz et al., 2016).  Australian Policing and Border Force legislation will be thoroughly tested in the coming years as developments in firearms and ammunition challenges traditional and fundamental views of what constitutes a firearm, how firearms are manufactured, how they function and what materials can be used to construct them. These new technologies and developments will not be lost upon the firearm traffickers who will strive to use this new knowledge to best advantage to avoid detection and prosecution. Firearms can be ?workshop made,? using components from several different sources, without any form of individually identifying characteristics such as serial numbers or manufacturer markings. The efficient, methodical collection and distribution of information relating to firearms, firearm parts and accessories will assist investigating officers by allowing the recognition of firearm parts which may be found during Police searches in the absence of whole firearms. Reported open source media statistics reflect a marked increase in the rate of illicit firearm seizure and illegal firearm activity (Ralston, 2016).  A marked nationwide increase in licit and illicit firearm activity (ACIC, 2018) has led to the proportionate and the inevitable escalation of firearm seizures and the numbers of firearms available for criminal activity. The flow of information to investigating policing agencies within a time frame that ensures such information is still useful is a critical requirement to successful investigations and subsequent prosecutions.

This thesis examines the potential of Forensic Firearms Intelligence and computer vision to extract information as an aid to identification and categorisation of illegal and trafficked firearms by using the design, structure, and shape of the firearm. This data can then be used as a source of forensic firearms intelligence.

Forensic Firearms Intelligence: Forensic intelligence which incorporates forensic firearms examination data.  A sub-discipline of forensic science (Crispino et al., 2015) utilising inference structures (O Ribaux & Margot, 1999) within cross-referenced and indexed datasets to extract patterns and links between data (Legrand & Vogel, 2014).

Should practising firearms examiners be able to assist, please contact me.

Best regards
Steve Pavlovich

« Last Edit: August 06, 2020, 03:09:21 AM by Steven Pavlovich »


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