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FREE Training - Shifting the Paradigm

Started by Ron Nichols, November 17, 2020, 02:18:52 PM

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Ron Nichols

Good day all,

Shifting the Paradigm - Defending the Scientific Foundations of the Firearm and Toolmark Discipline is being offered free of charge. Enroll in the school at and then register for the course.


Ron Nichols
Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
Nichols Forensic Science Consulting
Antioch, CA

Jill Dupre

Ron Nichols

You're welcome. I would appreciate any feedback and thoughts.
Ron Nichols
Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
Nichols Forensic Science Consulting
Antioch, CA

Dennis Lyons

Dennis J. Lyons
Rhode Island State Crime Lab
University of Rhode Island
41 Lower College Road
Kingston, R.I. 02881

Melissa DeBerry

Melissa DeBerry
Firearms Examiner
Mississippi Forensic Laboratory

Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
G.K. Chesterton

Zak Carr

Ron,  Thanks so much for posting this FREE training video!  Even though it is just over 30 min, I spent much longer pausing, taking notes and rewinding to get all the good stuff.  Everything that you have in here is great info and I think your 2-premise approach to defending our discipline is spot on.   

I assume that since you posted this thread on the public side of the forums that you are ok if I share the link with non-AFTE members such as attorneys and students.  Is this ok with you?
Zak Carr
Cadre Forensics

Ron Nichols

Zak and others,

You are welcome and thank you for the comments. I tried to pack as much punch in 30 minutes as I could. I really appreciate them and yes, share with others, AFTE members and non-AFTE members alike.


Ron Nichols
Firearms and Toolmark Examiner
Nichols Forensic Science Consulting
Antioch, CA

Jill Dupre

Like Zak stated, this is well worth taking and referring back to several times.  Great information.

Julie Knapp

As said, training is excellent; I recommend for everyone to take it.