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Full price virtual reg?

Started by Rick Wyant, June 14, 2021, 01:32:39 PM

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Rick Wyant

Is anyone in the know about this? Is this a typo? Other conferences charge a fraction for virtual. Do I get my banquet meal delivered by door dash?

Richard Amberger

I asked this question this morning, not door dash!, and this is the response that I received...

"Hi Richard,
Correct, the pricing is the same as in person. It will include access to all of the technical sessions and the business meeting."
Richard W. Amberger
Indianapolis-Marion County Forensic Services Agency
(317) 327-3675

Rick Wyant

Seems the best option is to buy the DVD. :)

Justine Kreso

Hey all,

AFTE made a significant investment to pay for additional AV capabilities to provide a high quality virtual option.  Unfortunately, adding a virtual option and making this a "hybrid" event adds a considerable amount due to the on-site expenses that are going into it.  It is a platform that is professionally run and facilitated.  Although it is expensive, it is a product that the host committee is proud to put forward to the membership.
Justine Kreso
Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences
Syracuse, NY

Karen Wilson

My agency is looking into attending via the virtual option instead of in person, but I was asked to find out if the virtual option is chosen, do we still receive a certificate allowing for credit for recertification? Can anyone answer this question?

Charles Clow

Yes. Credits for recertification will be given to those certified registered attendees virtual or in-person.