VIFSM is now accepting applications for a paid ($23,000 per year) 24-month fellowship in Firearms and Toolmarks.
Fellows will be trained to be a Firearm/Toolmark examiner to examine, compare and evaluate a wide variety of items such as various firearms, unfired ammunition, fired components, clothing, tools and objects bearing toolmarks.
For applicant requirements, application forms and updates, visit
Training positions (3) are available in Richmond, Virginia. Instruction will be provided by qualified examiners in an ASCLD accredited lab.
The deadline for receipt of applications is close of business, January 13, 2006. The Fellowship will commence in Spring, 2006.
Fellows will be trained to interpret results and report findings for use by the criminal justice system culminating in court testimony as an expert witness. Again, for applicant requirements, application forms and updates, visit, web site of Virginia Institute of Forensic Science and Medicine. For assistance, contact Martha Allen of VIFSM at 804.786.0073 or at