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2022 Firearm and Toolmarks Policy and Practice Forum (No cost)


Robert Thompson:

2022 Firearm and Toolmarks Policy and Practice Forum
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The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCoE) will be delivering a four-day, no-cost, virtual Firearm and Toolmarks Policy and Practice Forum on January 11-14, 2022. The Forum will explore new developments, discuss the foundations of firearm and toolmark examination, and address the implementation of new technologies into workflows. Additionally, the Forum will inform firearm and toolmark examiners on the legal issues surrounding firearm testimony and recent court decisions. We expect to convene several hundred criminal justice practitioners representing federal, state, and local agencies as well as subject matter experts from across the United States.
NIJ has identified four main topic areas related to forensic firearm and toolmark analysis to address during the Firearm and Toolmarks Policy and Practice Forum. These include: Research, Emerging Technologies, Intelligence, and Legal Aspects. Each day of the Forum will focus on one of the four topics and include a Keynote address, a panel of presenters, and an interactive question and answer session for each. Events are scheduled from 1:00 PM to approximately 4:45 PM EST on January 11-14, 2022. On the Forum's final day (January 14, 2022), we plan to hold a live panel discussion that will focus on the next steps within the field.
/Robert T.[size=0.85em][/size][size=0.85em][/size]


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