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Head stamp to add to guide "NFCR" ?

Started by PKBOYD, January 25, 2022, 03:19:44 PM

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I recovered cartridge cases of the attached type in the course of my job but couldn't find it in the guide that I refer to often.  I understand it's a "non-reloadable" FC.

Robert Thompson

Could it be FC brand with a NR (non-reloadable) designation?
/Robert T.


- Yes - that's what I read and was advised of - Federal and only distributed by Walmart for a time.

A contact at Federal indicated to me that these aluminum cased Champion rounds are being made at CCI for Federal,And are intended to be sold via Walmart only.

(I just thought it might be included in the guide)

Jill Therriault

Quote from: PKBOYD on January 25, 2022, 03:19:44 PM
I recovered cartridge cases of the attached type in the course of my job but couldn't find it in the guide that I refer to often.  I understand it's a "non-reloadable" FC.

Thanks for sharing this, Phil!  Always glad for another addition to the HSG.  I never realized that a "NR" marked headstamp wasn't already in there.

Cheers!  Stay warm!
Jill Terry-o
AFTE Webmistress

New Hampshire State Police Forensic Laboratory
33 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH  03305

Mallory Brewer


Thanks for the heads up on this - I added it under the N album with a generic description for NR as it could be applicable for other headstamps in addition to Federal.

Mallory Brewer