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Ammunition Box Submissions

Started by Richard Hitchcox, January 20, 2006, 03:45:45 PM

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.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber match grade ammunition produced by Hornady, utilizing the 750 gr. Hornady AMAX match projectile and NPE (New, Primed, Empty) brass provided by Winchester, 2008 production.  WCC 08 headstamp, brass case, no case mouth crimp, brass, convex, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primer, ring primer crimip, red primer sealant.  New item to the Hornady ammunition line in 2009.  Black plastic, 10-round box from MTM, with red & black laser/holographic overlabel.  Ballistic data on rear label.  Separate white label on lid side with black printing listing lot # of 3090689.  Rounds suspended in box by case neck, not by bullet tip, to maintain round quality.  Note product number 8270 is correct on rear label, but incorrect on top label (8720)
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


Not ammunition packaging, but an interesting bullet design for reloading....

US production .338 Lapua Mag caliber AP projectile from Alliance Armament of Boonville, IN, circa Fall 2009.  Solid brass, CNC-turned jacket, press fit to a 50 grain, heat-treated carbide steel core.  50 projectiles packed to a black plastic box with white label and black & green printing.  Model #338MAP, 162 grains, reportedly match grade.  Developed on an Armalite AR30 rifle, 1:12 twist, mfgr claims sub-1/2 MOA groups, 1.8" @ 400 yds, with MV exceeding 3600 fps.  Mfgr reports 3/4" steel plate penetration @ 200 yds @ 90 degree obliquity impact.  MSRP $71.50/box.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


7.92 Mauser caliber 15 round tan cardboard box, typical WW2 vintage German packaging.  Buff label, green diagonal stripe indicates aluminum core "practice," L'Spur indicates tracer, Gelb indicates yellow trace.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


30-06 M1909 blank, US DoD contract to CBC of Brazil, for saluting blanks for color guards of veterans organizations.  Brass case, 6-finger case mouth crimp, light blue or grey wax case mouth sealant, brass primer, purple primer sealant, ring primer crimp, headstamp 06 CBB with lines.  From tan, 20 round box, reclosable style, rather than sealed.  Black printing "20 Cartridges  Blank  Caliber .30 M1909  CBB06D001-006  Dangerous within 20 feet"  From standard M2A1 ("50 cal sized") ammo can, olive drab, with yellow stencilling of same informatino, 620 rounds/can.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


The new .50 BMG caliber ammunition packaging from McMillan International of Phoenix, AZ, parent company to McMillan Stocks and McMillan Firearms.  Ammunition is a new product line for them, starting 2010.  Initial line is a match brass solid projectile on NPE (New Primed Empty) brass from Winchester, headstamp WCC 08.  Clear plastic 10-round slip-top box mfg'd by Berry's Mfg., with black overlabel seal.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


.50 BMG (12.7x99) caliber M8 Armor Piercing Incendiary ammunition, loaded in the US and marketed by DS Arms of Barrington Illinois, utilizing demilled bullets and powder, but on New Primed Empty (NPE) brass from the United Arab Emirates company Adcom.  Brass, percussion, primer, purple sealant, 3-stab crimp.  Ammunition packaged in plain white cardboard boxes (10 or 25 rounds), with white paper labels and black printing.  New product line, circa 2010. 
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


7.62 NATO Caliber M62 Tracer, orange tip, brass case, brass percussion boxer non-corrosive primer. ring primer crimp, no visible primer sealant. 147 grain bullet with knurled crimp cannelure.   From tan 20-round cardboard box with black printing.  Sample is from a lot of "factory seconds" from Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, but marketed by Federal Ammunition for the commercial US market as "XM62."  Original DoD intended production that failed QC acceptance standards, usually for appearances.  In this example tip colors ranged from 90% to virtually missing.  Circa 2010  Unlike other examples of LC headstamps in the AFTE DB, this (being 7.62) doesn't have the "dot" headstamp markings of SCAMP production.  Except for box markings, might easily be confused with "stolen" miliitary inventory.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


.303 WW2 Lend Lease production by Winchester for UK RAF contract.  Brass percussion primer, 4-stab crimp, no primer sealant.  174 grain ball projectile, knurled bullet cannelure, brass case.  From 20 round white cardboard box with white label and red printing.  July 1941 production. 
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


1956 production .303 caliber  by Radway Green of UK.  Copper percussion Berdan primer, ring crimp, purple primer sealant.  Ball projectile, smooth bullet cannelure, brass case.  From 32 round tan cardboard box with gray label and green printing.  Black ink lot number rubber stamped.   In this example, the Mark # in the headstmap is numeric rather than a Roman Numeral 
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


Minuteman line of .50 BMG caliber ammunition for the commercial US shooting market, utilizing once-fired military brass and pulled surplus military projectiles, brass, percussion, boxer, non-corrosive primers from CCI, no primer sealant, primer crimp removed.  This example utilizes WW2-vintage M2 Armor Piercing projectiles.  Mixed headstamps, this particular box contained brass originally from Japan.  Distributed by the Ammunition Store of North Canton, OH.  Circa July 2010.  Brown cardboard box of 10 rounds with white paper label and black printing.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


5.56 NATO caliber 62 grain, Open Tip Match, Mk318 Mod 0 "SOST" barrier blind round for the US Special Operations Command.  Developed to improve the intermediate barrier penetration of the 5.56 caliber, more so than the standard issue M855 (green tip) round.  This is the civilian packaging designated T556TNB1 by Federal.  White, 20 round, cardboard, commercial box, with black printing.  Lot number black ink-stamped on the back "V49 X572."  Wide, smooth crimp cannelure.  Brass percussion boxer primer, purple sealant, ring primer crimp.  Headstamp "FC 10."  Note the lack of the circle/cross NATO symbol in the headsatmp.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.


7.62 NATO caliber ammunition for US military snipers, now replacing the M118-LR load.  Still a 175 gr Sierra Match King Projectile, but with a match grade case, a more temperature stable propellant (with reduced muzzle flash), and a match grade primer with reduced (less violent) detonation to prevent excessive disruption of the powder charge.  Nickel primer, purple sealant, FC 09 headstamp.  Tan cardboard box, black printing, white plastic cartridge insert.  This particular lot designates May 2009 production at Federal Cartridge Co.
Military Liaison Officer,
Fifty Caliber Shooters' Assn.