Fellow Examiners and Practitioners - We are pleased to announce the 2023 AFTE Eastern Regional Meeting being hosted by the FBI Laboratory Division, Firearms/Toolmarks Unit. Please find the updated sections below in this post with the full information in the attached file.
We look forward to seeing you in September!
CALL FOR PAPERS: Please send all submissions for presentations to afte@fbi.gov. We are specifically looking for case studies from state and local laboratories.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 2023 - AFTE Eastern Regional Meeting (8am-5pm)
Topics include: distance determination research, case studies, 3D printed firearms, a panel on legal issues facing the discipline, and much more!
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th, 2023 - Battlefield Presentation and Tour (9am-12pm)
Approximately one hour presentation/demonstration by a National Park staff member knowledgeable in Civil War-era firearms and ammunition. Question/answer period and self-guided tour of the battlefield grounds to follow.