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Firearms Detail Manager - Las Vegas, NV

Started by Roy Wilcox, July 20, 2023, 09:37:39 AM

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Roy Wilcox

Hello AFTE!  Just a reminder:  This position closes tomorrow night!  If you were waiting for the last minute, this is it!  Well...almost.

Come join us in Las Vegas!  We have tremendous support by our department (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department), and the pay is good.  I made the move in January 2016 and have no regrets.

Las Vegas offers:
Lots of sun   8)
All the fun of California and her beaches nearby, but without the taxes
Mt Charleston (camping, hiking, sledding, skiing) less than an hour away
Lake Mead
Colorado River
Red Rock National Park
St George and Zion National Park just a short drive up I-15
Vegas Golden Knights (Stanley Cup Champions 2023 - Whoop Whoop!)
Raiders Football
Athletics MLB..?
Any band or traveling performance (Hamilton, Phantom of the Opera, etc.) you can imagine comes through Las Vegas
A Foodie's dream city
No state tax
One of the nation's best cities to find cheap airfare in/out, so travel adventures anywhere are more affordable

Here's the posting again:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Roy Wilcox
Roy Wilcox
Las Vegas Metro PD