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Contact Information for Firearms Forensic Lab, Anchorage, Alaska

Started by Heavymetaltech01, January 07, 2024, 06:31:37 PM

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Greetings Everyone,
I am seeking assistance from the Forensic's Lab or State Police regarding my upcoming AFTE Workshop " PMF Investigations - Recommended Best Practices & Challenges For The Investigator & Forensic Lab".
I am hoping to borrow a 3D printer (FDM / SLA) as well as 3D printed/CNC fabricated firearms & components for the duration of the workshop.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

Debra Gillis


Unfortunately the Alaska State Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory, Anchorage Police Department, and the Alaska State Troopers do not have any 3D printers or 3D printed fabricated firearms/components. 


Deb Gillis, Anchorage, AK  99507; Email:

Evan Thompson

Maybe the Anchorage University has a 3D printer.  I know that the university in Flagstaff does.
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray



Evan, do you have a contact at the University by chance? Thanks for the suggestion.

Debra Gillis

I have no contact but the full names of our two Anchorage Universities are:  University of Alaska, Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University.

Deb Gillis, Anchorage, AK  99507; Email:

Alan Zheng

Alternatively, you could pre-print the parts and mail it up to the host committee.

Edit: missed the part about needs a 3D printer as well. Go with Dustin's suggestion as long as you're not trying to print a whole firearm for demonstration purposes. Might take longer than a full day workshop. Smaller parts, sure.

Dustin Engel

Order printer.  Ship to AK.  Use for class.  Add to raffled items.  Profit?  Ender 2 Pro would be an easy to set up and use printer.  Unfortunately shipping expense may be only downside.

Evan Thompson

Northern Arizona University
Contact : Cline Library

They have a room of 3D printers
Evan Thompson
Never live a life gray