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Author Topic: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?  (Read 34294 times)

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Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« on: September 21, 2006, 06:22:41 PM »
I am trying to get into the field of Crime Lab/Forensic work. I am especially interested in the specialty of firearm and tool mark examiner.  My State Crime Lab sounded like they like the resume but no openings.

Is there a spot on the forum where I could post my resume, along with relevant courses taken to see if anyone has advice on whether or not I need anything to make me more marketable?   

Thanks very much.


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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2006, 06:52:26 PM »
GBI accepts applications/resumes continuously and they train.  Give them a looksee at

Good luck!      O0


Offline Cole

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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2006, 07:23:00 AM »
I believe this forum is appropriate for such a post.
The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone, anywhere, ever - including the author.

Offline alokar

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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2006, 04:31:50 PM »
In correction to Mr. Van Fleet's post.  The GBI does not accept applications continuously.  You must submit the application when an announcement has been opened.  You can check for openings at   Look under employment and current vacancies.  However, we are not currently hiring for firearms, as we have 4 new firearms examiners in training.  And it is doubtful that any additional positions will open in the near future.  If you are looking for jobs, you might want to try postings on, or  The ASCLD website also has a place to post resumes for internships.  I believe that info is listed under the Visitor's center link. An internship would probably be your best bet for getting your foot in the door. 

Good Luck to you.

Offline Michelle Dilbeck

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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2006, 10:29:51 AM »
We're accepting applications for Lab Techs right now at the Alameda County Sheriff's Office in California.  Our Lab Tech position is pretty sweet.  Not only is it the highest paid Tech position in the Bay Area, you get alot of training that makes you very marketable as a Criminalist. If your interested check out my post in Job announcements.  It has a link to our website.
Alameda County Sheriff's Office Crime Laboratory


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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2006, 08:57:41 AM »
Thanks for updating me alokar.  I will stop sending people their way.  When I was there, we were told that instead of opening up positions in HQ to examiners in the regional labs, they could take applicants from their pool of applications because they constantly accept them.  Things have obviously changed there.  It has been 2 years since I left them.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 10:05:29 AM by Ron Van Fleet »


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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2006, 06:56:34 PM »
I am trying to get into the field of Crime Lab/Forensic work. I am especially interested in the specialty of firearm and tool mark examiner.  My State Crime Lab sounded like they like the resume but no openings.

Is there a spot on the forum where I could post my resume, along with relevant courses taken to see if anyone has advice on whether or not I need anything to make me more marketable?   

Thanks very much.

I just wanted to say thanks to eveyone who has responded thus far.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2006, 07:14:20 PM by MTHall49 »


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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2006, 11:41:30 AM » me your resume to .
Others can email their resume to me as well.  The decision has not been made, but there is a possibility that a newbie position will be opened here.  Must be willing to sign a contract.

Van Fleet
FWPD Crime Lab
350 W. Belknap Street
Fort Worth, TX  76102


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Re: Please advise. Is there somewhere I can post my resume?
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2006, 07:46:49 PM »
I believe this forum is appropriate for such a post.

OK Here it is.  Don't know if it is worth mentiong my entire life time interest in firearms, knives, etc. with firerams training.  Just wanted to make it clear that is not a last minute change of interest.

Michael T. Hall
PO Box 1176 Falling Waters, WV 25419
Home: 304-274-1458 CellPhone: 240-217-7033

To secure a position in Forensic Science, preferably Firearm and Tool Mark Examiner. 

Environmental Sanitarian II
October 2000- Present        State of Maryland, Frederick, MD
•   Enforcement of food safety regulations through inspections of food service facilities.
•   Overcome resistance to compliance through effective communication with managers of the 217 facilities in my assigned territory.
•   Investigate complaints, resolve any problems found during the course of the investigation and prepare a detailed report.

Contract Position
July 1998 – February 1999      Data Management Services, Frederick, MD
•   Analyzed lines of computer code to detect potential problems prior to the date change format (Year 2000 conversion).
•   Provided support for customers experiencing hardware and software problems.
•   Tested software to determine if all commands and functions worked correctly.

Security Officer
September 1997 - June 1998        Watson Security, Missoula, MT
•   Completed training for armed security including screening techniques for detection of weapons, explosive devices, and components.
•   Transported prisoners from city and county detention centers to state prison.
•   Guarded individual inmates in a variety of settings.

Volunteer Work
September 1995 – August1997      Missoula, MT
•   Provided assistance to individuals needing help in the basics of computer use, and navigation of the Internet as a volunteer through church.
•   Received firearms training through D.Y. Witt and associates, in addition to a study of federal, and state firearms related laws.

Primary Care Provider, and Student
July 1988 –August 1995         Hawaii, and Oregon
•   Primary care provider for my elderly mother who had many health problems until her death in  August 1995.
•   Completed courses in criminal investigation, law enforcement and administration of justice.
•   Achieved NRA certification as Instructor for Pistol, Rifle, Home Firearm Safety, and Personal Protection.

Laboratory Assistant and Administrative Aide
June 1983 – July 1988          Brigham Young University, Laie, HI
•   Provided assistance with Microbiology, Ecology, General Chemistry, and Biology lab classes.
•   Researched and determined the best sources for a wide variety of equipment with recommendations for purchases.
•   Tracked individual professor’s expense accounts for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics division.

Bachelors of Science Degree in Biological Sciences   
Brigham Young University, Hawaii 1983 (Dean’s List  honors)

Courses in Law Enforcement, Criminal Investigation and Administration of Justice
Honolulu Community College 1989

Registered Environmental Sanitarian, Maryland License 001268

Member, Central Atlantic Association of Food and Drug Officials

American Legion (Civic Group – Sons of the Legion division) Post 42

Provided upon request


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