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Contract Firearms Examiner/Trainer - Washington, DC

Started by Jonathan Pope, December 14, 2006, 01:51:47 PM

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Jonathan Pope


Seeking one (1) Contract Firearms Examiner/Trainer to work on average 40 hours a week on site to train at least 5 members in various stages of technical training and complete at least 15 evidence cases per every 70 hours during time not spent on training. Period of contract is from about January 8 - September 30, 2007. Compensation is $75.00 per hour.

Seeking two (2) court qualified Contract Firearms Examiners to work about 40 hours per week on site completing evidence cases at a minimum rate of 15 submissions per every 70 hours. Period of contract is from about January 8 - September 30, 2007. Compensation is $75.00 per hour.

Please send all resumes to Miss Karen A. Wiggins at by December 31, 2006.
Jonathan Pope
FEU Unit Manager | DC Department of Forensic Sciences (DFS)
Office: 202-442-8369 | Cell: 202-617-7906 | Email:
401 E. Street SW, 4th Floor | Washington DC, 20024 |