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Countdown to AFTE 2008 Clock

Started by Bill Wheatley, June 03, 2007, 10:25:10 PM

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Bill Wheatley

Now that's what I call being on top of your game O0 O0 O0 Nice job Scott.
(908) 797-6553

Scott Doyle

Your welcome Bill!

Might as well get things started!  I'm in the process of completing the summaries for Thursday's technical program, the banquet and vendors. 

I have a few more pictures coming in from various members and hopefully later in the week I'll put a slideshow together that will wrap everything up.

Information about the 2008 seminar is also on the way!



Ima lookin forward to AFTE 2008...when does the timer start, Scott???    >:D

Scott Doyle

The countdown clock has been reset and is now running.  If you only see 000:00:00:00 then you need to clear out your IE temporary internet files.  That should reset the clock for you.

You might just try refreshing the page several times.

Only 346 days, 15 hours, and 44 minutes to go!


Scott Doyle

The counter was off a couple days so I've made an adjustment.  You may not see it update since that flash file gets loaded in the cache of your PC. 

Clearing your cache should give you the right day count if you want to fool with it.

Thanks to everyone who has reminded me of the discrepancy!  O0
