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Senior Firearms Examiner Opening - Syracuse, NY – Up to $75,070 DOE

Started by PaulKinder, June 05, 2007, 09:37:39 AM

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Senior Firearms Examiner

The position of Senior Firearms Examiner is immediately available within the Criminalistics section of the Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences.

Job Duties:
The Senior Firearms Examiner is responsible for the administrative supervision and technical direction of the Firearms Section. Responsibilities also include, but are not limited to: Training and guiding new or less experienced Firearms Examiners; Performing examinations of ammunition, spent bullets and casings, and the determination and recording of their physical parameters using measuring projectors, micrometers and other equipment; Performing examinations of firearms, bullets, shells, casings and other weapons; Conducting comparison examinations regarding spent projectiles, spent cartridge casings and shot shells; Performing data entry function for the Integrated Ballistics Identification System; Conducting research, method development and validation of new technical procedures; Performing chemical restoration of obliterated serial numbers and other markings on weapons; Taking notes and generating reports; testifying to findings in court; and assisting with quality assurance duties of the section.

Minimum Qualifications:
Graduation from a regionally accredited college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees with a Bachelor's Degree or higher in a natural science, forensic science, criminalistics or closely related field and five (5) years of work experience, or its part-time equivalent as a forensic examiner in the discipline of Firearms.

NOTE: Education may be substituted for experience as follows:

A Master's Degree in a natural science, forensic science, criminalistics or a closely related field can be substituted for one (1) year of the required work experience.

Starting Salary:  Up to $75,070 DOE

Closing Date:  Open until filled

Send letter of interest with a résumé to:   

Paul Kinder
Program Analyst
Center for Forensic Sciences
100 Elizabeth Blackwell St.
Syracuse, NY 13210

For additional information:  call Paul Kinder at 315-435-3800