Dear colleagues,
every three years, Interpol organises an International Forensic Science Symposium during which new forensic information and progress in forensic science is presented. Our lab has offered to cover the firearms related subjects. We are therefore browsing through the publications from September 2003 until today to find the key publications and to spot trends. Our summary will be presented at the symposium in October and will be published in a literature review document.
My questions to the community are: Have you published yourself a firearms related subject in a journal other that the AFTE journal? If so, what is the reference? Which publications in journals of the last three years do you consider as extremely important in our field?
Please limit yourself to what you consider key publications. Thank you for letting me know: You may want to ask a read request in Outlook.
Jan De Ceuster, Nationaal Instituut voor Criminalistiek en Criminologie, Brussels (Belgium)